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Solstice Swap & 12 Days of Christmas Swap answers



Solstice Swap:

If I made some ephemeral art that was meant to be burned as the sacrifice, would you have a safe place to do that (a fireplace, a backyard, a bbq grill lol)? Nothing big, maybe 6 inches tall.
Yes, I have places to burn ALL THE THINGS. Or just something small. We actually have a large bonfire area and a grill. No fireplace.

Would you want something from this website for your "light"?
Sorry, they are not really my style.

Would people want a relaxing CD or a recording of the rainforest, or are people looking for things like mix CDs or something from a favorite artist?
I kind of liked the idea someone had of wind chimes or bells. I'm really picky about my music unless it's on my wishlist. I do have music on my wishlist though! I don't mind getting thumbdrives or cds with mp3s.

Would you, Snowflake, be interested in getting a bracelet or pendant necklace as a "charm" for banishment or protection or shifting energy or bringing in luck? If so, what's your preference (bracelet, necklace pendant), size (wrist size, chain length), what metals to you prefer (copper, sterling silver?), and what colors /stones do you have an affinity for?
I like about 19" length in necklaces and would need about 8" for a bracelet. I am allergic to everything metal except (for sure) sterling silver and surgical steel. I would love charms for protection, luck, job finding, school decision making, monies, romance/life partner finding, friend finding, what-to-do-with-my-life knowing, etc. (I know! I want so much! How about lottery winning? That goes under luck and monies, right??) I might use a charm more if I could anoint it with skin safe oils and if it had a long enough cord (rat tail cord or soft leather?) to just put off and on over my head. I don't mind bracelets but I VERY RARELY wear any jewelry at all except my BPTP scent locket. I do have a protective charm in my car hanging from my rearview mirror (that I acquired in a Switch Witch swap!) I'm planning on making mojo bags for monies, protection, beauty, romance, etc. so charms to go in or on the outside of those would be fun. I have an affinity for blues, purples, greys, blacks. Tanzanite, alexandrite (prefer blue/purple - not pink/green), amethyst, hematite, moonstone, opal/black opal, sapphire, aqua aura, azurite, iolite, kyanite, sodalite, fluorite, obsidian, onyx, black spinel, black tourmaline, snowflake obsidian, tourmalinated quartz, black star sapphire, etc.

So, are you the type that likes no color added at all, natural colorants and herbs, or rainbow glitter bombs ?
I don't mind color added as long as it on the natural side. No phthalates, SLS, parabens, pro. glycol, -cones, etc. Prefer no glitter. Glitter is the herpes of the craft world. Mica is ok. Herbs are ok if they're almost totally pulverized so they don't clog our septic system or drains. I'm ok with coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, etc. I don't have any allergies that I'm aware of to essential or fragrance oils other than sometimes I get contact dermatitis if I apply oils in the same exact area too many times in a row. I have to switch it up.

What's the best format to send you a whole music playlist (instead of an album)? Do you have a service you already use? Would you like it on a USB, iTunes, Spotify, etc?
I'm kind of picky about my music as I think I said before... I wouldn't mind getting music on my wish list. either on mp3 or on cd.

Since one of the options for the sacrifice is an item to give away, I'm curious if there are any people, organizations, or causes that you like to give something away to? It could be anything - a charity you wish you could donate to, a stranger you see at the coffee shop who you've always wanted to do something nice for, an obnoxious coworker you'd like to receive one of those glitter-by-mail packages, whatever.
I support some pibble rescue groups but I'm no where near them to give them anything and I rarely leave the house. I know some people who are deserving of some poop by mail anonymous packages... but those aren't really a sacrifice.

12 Days of Christmas Swap

I love crocheting, it's my favorite hobby. Can I make you a scarf/cowl/sweater/lap blanket to keep you wintery-warm!?
Please, no crochet wearables. Amigurumi and stuffies are cute in crochet and I have quite a few in my favorites lists on ravelry. Blanket would be cost prohibitive with my yarn tastes. I actually have quite a few crocheted afghans from my grandma that I don't have room for, so I would say no on the blanket.

How do you feel about amigurumi (i.e. little crochet toys), either characters from a fandom, wee animals, or as decorations?
If you take a look at my ravelry favorites ("halloween or vamp swap" and "make for me" bundles) you'll see that I feel like you should make amigurumi for me, yes indeed. *nods sagely*

How do you feel about knit socks? (Plain stockinette, lacework, cables, etc). Are there any other hand knit items you'd especially like? (Mittens, fingerless gloves, hats, etc).
Sadly I do not really like knit socks that much and I received a pair in one of my last ravelry swaps. I don't wear socks at all for more than half of the year and when I do wear socks, they are black. And I have huge feet so you really don't want to knit socks for me anyway. But again, if you look at my ravelry favorites, I have two bundles with I would LOVE to get (halloween or vamp swap bundle and "make for me" bundle.) there are many options there! I am a picky bitchcake and I'm not afraid to say it. I mostly prefer shawls (really long and skinny-ish but not scarves. But not those triangle shaped things either.) and fingerless mitts. But on mitts I really need you to use very stretchy cast ons and bind offs as I have huge hands too. (I blame the nordic ancestors.) My preferred cast on is Jeny's Stretchy Slipknot Cast On and my preferred bind off is Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off, But as long as it's stretchy, we're good! I have measurements on ravelry linked to my profile.

What kind of snacks do you like? Does dried fruit or crunchy dried vegetables sound appealing? Do you like (raw) honey? Jerky? Jam? What sort of local products do you like to receive as gifts? If you're familiar with products in the Pacific Northwest, is there anything specific you'd like to try?
- I love and adore honey! We usually have bees here at parents all summer from local beekeeper, and I tried beekeeping briefly in Seattle but my (wild) hive moved out and I never ordered any of my own bees. The beekeeper stiffed us this year and didn't give us the promised honey and honeycomb in exchange for keeping his bees here. :( I adore jerky but try to avoid corn syrup so I end up doing things like krave or my (previously local) butchers "made in house" jerky. I miss Bavarian Meats in pike place market - love their landjaeger. I have lived in Seattle the majority of my life but I am in Eastern Washington with parents right now until life is back on track. This is the home of the huckleberry things. I've lived in Denver, Dallas, and Toronto briefly as well. Would kill to have a place close to me that sells canons sweet hots (mild.) sadly mostly in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, etc. I make my own dried fruit and veggies, so I'm good there.

If there's one place you could go in the world, where and why?
The U.K. Because. (I have always just felt an affinity with Wales, Scotland, Ireland, England, etc. I'd love to visit Glastonbury Tor, Stonehenge, Hadrian's Wall, Bath, Loch Ness, etc. Now if I could just meet a nice non-alcoholic Scottish boy and move there, I'd be super happy.)

What sort of dollar store items do you always get a kick out of?
Canadian dollar stores have the best dog squeaky toys, so we go there when we're in Canada, eh. Otherwise I usually go to the dollar store for stuff like the little sieves/screens that fit into the sink drain. They're the best for dumping out tea leaves and coffee grounds into so the water runs out and you can then pop the grounds/leaves into the garbage. My parents don't have any of these and I didn't bring mine with me from my ex house.

Do you like to receive plants or gardening stuff? Do you grow plants? What's your favourite flower, if you have one?
My mom especially likes wave petunias. I love scented geraniums (not zonal), lavender, and fragrant purple roses. Although I'm partial to grandifloras, we have some lovely rugosas that we harvest the petals from and make rose petal liquor, jelly, syrup, etc. I make lavender wands/bottles and harvest the lavender for cooking too. (at one point I had over 50 rose bushes and 11 varieties of lavender but then we had to move.) Really I like any herb that is useful for rituals, edible, medicinal, or fragrant. I don't usually purchase flowers that are JUST pretty. Pretty and fragrant? Sold. I could use mugwort, hyssop, and rue especially - we have none of those. I'm sure we could germinate seeds. :peep: I forgot to get cuttings of my geranium before it froze. *sigh* Could use some more sage and beebalm too. Oooh -- I especially love purple and black bearded irises (they have a fragrance usually!) We only have yellow (ick!) and one purpley pink color. We're in Zone 5b: -15F to -10F. I don't think we need any gardening stuff per se though. I do love seed bombs with wildflowers and things as well, I could throw some in the pasture by the road... But they would need to be very drought resistant since we don't have water out by the road. I'd love sweet peas, carnation, chocolate cosmos, phlox, ....

oh! I'd love to have some carnivorous plants. We bought a venus fly trap this summer but it perished. :( Maybe a pitcher plant or a sundew?

I *HAVE* catnip, catmint, two varieties of mint at least (peppermint and spearmint I think), maybe one variety of lavender, wooly thyme, normal looking thyme, russian sage, asiatic lilies, california poppies, peonies, yellow and pink rugosas, yellow and light purple bearded iris, petunias, feverfew, parsley, rosemary, dahlias, zinnias, honeysuckle (two kinds), rhubarb, chives, raspberries, blueberries, pansies (black!), orchids, christmas cactus, mini rose bush, lilacs (two kinds.) Um, I'm not sure what else since I just moved here this month. It's my parents place so really things are not "mine". But I could plant things and take cuttings or divide later.

If you had a custom perfume/beauty/bath product made for you, what would it be and what would the scent description look like? (everything from prose to the specific selection of notes)
It would need vanilla, patchouli and lavender at the least. Maybe some black and/or red musk and/or siberian musk. Leather and/or Tobacco? Label art with my pit babies or a friesian? I'm not a word smith, so the prose would have to be a quote or a passage from something. But I also have major brain fog, so I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

I love drawing! Either fanart chibis on my tablet (ok it's my daughter's but still) or portrait work in graphite pencil... but it's been a while..so I'd love to use this as an excuse to draw something for you! If you could commission an art piece, would you choose traditional or digital artwork- and what would it be of?
Well, you can see what kind of artwork I like from my Pinterest art page. All of my art is in storage and I don't really have room for a lot more. But I do have a ton of IKEA fira 9 drawer chests that need to be painted and decorated. Wish I could have you come paint those for me!

When it comes to makeup, what is your coloring? Fair, dark? Sensitive skin? Eye color? Hair color? Style....funky, natural? Any additional makeup info?
I don't wear very much makeup. My skin breaks out very easily so I only wear prescriptives full coverage liquid makeup in the lightest yellow/orange ecru shade. (not very often. On a daily basis I only use eyebrow powder and eyeliner (stila smudgestick or kat von d liquid eyeliner, black.) I don't have any actual eyebrow hair, just tattoos but they are pretty faded so I draw on eyebrows over them. hypothyroid = no eyebrows. I have t-zone skin, yay. Yes, my skin is extremely sensitive. I need to remember to moisturize 4-5 times a day so I can get control over the oily... I had it all normalized and then my life was disrupted and I stopped moisturizing. (And I could use more good moisturizer but its so expensive! I got a bunch of bobby brown when I had a friend who worked at nordstrom and I've used LUSH too but I'm out of both of those. Right now I'm using Kiss My Face but I think it is clogging my pores.) Eyes are hazel. Hair color is mousy brown/grey naturally but it is usually colored violet-black, dark burgundy/red, or some other color. It's usually shaved on the sides/back and long spiky/teased on the top (ala Robert Smith.) I really super need a hair cut right now because it's actually about 2-3" of grow out everywhere. I could use mascara. Style = lazy goth.

Is there any craft or hobby that you are interested in trying?
I think I am covered right now. I have a lot of new supplies for new crafts that I need to accomplish now! Maybe different colors of embroidery floss for doing cross stitch?

Christmas decor? (not exactly sure what this question is looking for exactly? Do we decorate? What is our theme and colors? That kind of thing?)
I just moved in with family and we did not decorate for Halloween (weep) and I'm not sure how much we are going to decorate for Christmas. Hopefully at least a tree! My tree ornaments are all over the place. I bought some last year at World Market -- a purple dragon, some horses, but I can't remember if I got a sparkly unicorn. I love iridescent, glitter, shimmery things. Purple, blue, and silver. My mom gives me Hallmark ornaments every year in whatever collection, so I have all of the rocking horses (mini and regular) and I think all of the Pony for Christmas. Last year I think I snagged some Hallmark NMBC ornaments too. It would be cool to have a whole NMBC tree that I could put up at Halloween and leave up until Christmas but it might have to wait until I have my own place again. I'm always eyeing the black bare branch trees at craft stores... I know I have one of those vintage aluminum Christmas trees with a color wheel that goes under it. In storage of course.

what kind of collector are you? And do you have a log or a list somewhere away from the forum of the things you love, hate or already own?
I'm a hoarder type of collector. I have a huge list on scentbase but it isn't complete because I hurt my tailbone and back and wasn't able to sit at computer for very long for a few years, so didn't keep on top of updating scentbase. I do have a spreadsheet that is current but it isn't public. I could attempt to put it on google drive, but I've broken their spreadsheets before with the amount of data contained...

Would anyone mind bath and body works items? Such as hand sanitizer, lotion, candles, car scents or soap?
I DO NOT use B&BW lotion, gel, perfume, anti-bac, etc. I DO use their hand soap but I'm trying to stay away from microbeads (deep cleansing) and I don't like the foaming soap that much - however, they do have a small amount of "creamy luxe" soap that I'd love in Vanilla Snowflake and I would also love to try the Energy and Stress Relief soaps.. I would love some pillow spray in lavender/vanilla (no chamomile.) I also use the wall flowers, three wick candles, and room sprays. I could use a new wall flower - I really want the bats night light/wall flower but they might be sold out by now. A snowflake would be cool though. Or the black embossed scroll.

Scents that interest me for room spray/3 wick candles/wall flowers:
Twisted Peppermint
Vanilla Snowflake
Iced Vanilla Woods
Vanilla Balsam
Holiday (maybe? As long as it's apple wood, not apple. I don't want fruit smelling things.)
Black Tie
Cinnamon & Clove Buds (maybe? Winter is a little over powering. So not if it's close to Winter.) Oops, my mom already has this.
Fresh Balsam
Smoked Vanilla
Marshmallow Fireside
Winter Rose
Peppermint Marshmallow
Mahogany Teakwood (high intensity)
Cinnamon Pinecone (again, not if it's too overpowering.)
Vanilla Coconut
Vanilla/Lavender sleep

Any Lush showergel (or other product) you'd like to try?
I do love me some Lush. I'd love Twilight, Silky Underwear, Snow Fairy/Candy Fluff, Snowcake, etc. shower gels (I also love the Lord of Misrule and Rose Jam but I stocked up last year and still have some. And I have enough Fairy Dust powder too.) Could use some Greased Lightning. Maybe the Mr. Sandman dusting powder if it is mostly lavender and not heavy on the chamomile. The snowfairy "fun" looks interesting - it's like a pliable bubble bar? Maybe a small bit of snowcastle soap. Bubbly shower gel looks interesting. I love their solid green sugar scrub. Mmmelting marshmallow moment, ceridwens cauldron, snow angel, and floating island all look lovely. If snow angel is the same scent as the cocoa butter bath bomb, then I LOVE that scent. (I could use some more facial moisturizer but it looks like it's pretty expensive!)

Do you like licorice or would you like to try it? Would you prefer salt or sweet?
I've had salty licorice and it's good in small doses but not my favorite. Licorice in general is not my favorite. My mom on the other hand loves sweet black licorice.

I live in The Netherlands but I will visit England soon and might pay a visit to Germany. Anything special from here that you'd like to try?
I have a ton of tea and chocolate on my amazon "edibles" wishlist (from England and France!) I'd love chocolates, tea, whatever else you think I might like! Germany has Wollmeise yarn...

is you BPAL wishlist updated?
Indeed. I have not gotten any Liliths, Unicorns, or Weenies yet. Sniff.

Do you like office supplies like pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, etc?
No, I am boring. Sticky notes maybe if they are SO COOL that I MUST have them (like the coffin shaped ones I have - but unfortunately their "sticky" part is AWFUL and I have to tape them on things!) I use my BPAL pens a lot, they're my favorite. Do not use pencils, stationery, highlighters, etc. Maybe if I went back to school I would feel differently. I do like washi tape, I use it to wrap bubblewrap around bpal bottles & imps. I'm always looking for washi tape with bats, gargoyles, crows, skulls, etc. (I have lots of skulls right now.)

How do you feel about spicy, cheesy, or sour snacks?
cheese!! ALL THE CHEESE! I love garlic/dill curds, cheddars, fresh cheese with jalapenos in it (used to get some every week at the farmers market in seattle), gouda (both hard and creamy), parana, cotswald, sage darby, parmesan, mizithra, romano, havarti, mozza, etc. I like mildly spicy things, like candied jalapenos or mild canon sweet hots. Not so much on the sour, more about the savory.

Would you like any cook-able mixes like for soup or baked goods, cooking ingredients like spices, sugars, salts, oils, or cooking gadgets?
I wouldn't mind mixes but most of the ones I've gotten from places like World Market haven't been very good. I love spices, sugars, salts, vinegars, etc. but we have a TON of things and I don't know that I need anything. All of my spices are out in the garage because there wasn't room in the house with my parents spices... Don't really need any cooking gadgets right now. I can always use green tobasco sauce. :P I do, when I have my own place, have a skeleton themed kitchen and a NMBC cookie jar/container collection. I have a skeleton hand oven mitt, skeleton apron, bone shaped silverware, serving set, and salad tongs, skull cookie jars/salt & pepper shakers, skull measuring cups, skull measuring spoons, spatulas with skulls on them, skull wine stopper, skull bottle opener, etc. I would welcome more skeleton/skull kitchen things for when I actually get my own place again. I love sugar skulls and have some sugar skull kitchen stuff on my amazon wishlist (either in cooking/kitchen or housewares area.)

Would you prefer bar soaps or bath gel?
I would rather not receive any bar soap unless I specifically request it because I have boxes and boxes of it. (I'm a soaper.)

And really, I have a ton of bath gel and sugar scrubs too. But that doesn't mean I'd hate to get more because hoarder... especially Lush.

Candles, wax melts, or incense - yea or nay?
I'd love more ritual candles and beeswax candles (pillars or votives.) And some really good japanese stick incense. I always love loose incense/resins for charcoal burners. I don't need any wax melts but I keep eyeing the ones at Paintbox Soapworks and Two Timing Tart.

Jewelry - any preference about length of necklaces, earrings, etc?
I don't really wear any necklaces or jewelry - although I would like to get my ears gauged a little since they need to be repierced. I have some ideas on my amazon wearables wish list. If I wear necklaces, I like around 18-19". I mostly wear stud earrings but my lobes are SO THICK that most studs are too short and the earring ends up being too tight on my ear and getting infected. Right now I haven't worn earrings for ... six months? a year? So once I save up some monies, I'll see about getting them pierced with an actual hollow needle since my original piercing was done in the early 80's with a gun.

How do you feel about sweeteners? Do you prefer sugar, stevia, sucralose, etc.? Anything in particular to avoid?
I avoid sweeteners like the plague. I prefer raw sugar if possible. Definitely avoiding corn / corn syrup. Stevia is ok.

Do you have any interest in Shakespearean swag (insult mugs, play themed lip balms, oodles of other possibilities) or general performing arts related goodies?
No mugs of any kind please. I just moved in with family and all of my kitchen stuff, which includes about five or six HUGE BOXES OF MUGS, is all packed up and out in a shed. :( I do love lip balm but I am a little picky on ingredients. I'm not really into performing arts swag. I'm such a curmudgeon!

What is your favorite Christmas story - be it book, movie, cartoon - and if there are various versions, which is your favorite?
Hm. Nightmare Before Christmas? I usually watch Elf every year. I like the old Rudolph animated with Bumble. Bumble is awesome. I haven't watched that for years and years though. I'll watch silly movies like The Holiday or Love, Actually if they're on. Christmas with the Kranks is ok, mostly watched that for Jamie Lee Curtis. Christmas Story is kind of silly, I finally watched that a couple of years ago to much protest by my then DH.

Do you have a preference for numbered packages or random selection?
Whichever is best for you!

Do you have any external wishlists, Goodreads, or anything else that you might not have listed in your survey?
Yes, they are all in the SW Help link in my signature and/or in the link that says Switch Witch Stalking & Services spreadsheet. Believe me, there is probably way more there than you need.

For books that are part of a series, do you have a strong preference for whether you receive them in order, assuming that any overarching plot is reasonably easy to pick up on and the main story is self contained?
I absolutely start at the beginning of a series.

Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? If not, would you want some of their famous delicious treats? (Cookie butter - original or pumpkin spice!, sweet plantain chips, chocolate covered potato chips, etc)
I have a Trader Joes. I do not like cookie butter, I do not like pumpkin spice ANYTHING (ick, ptooie), no plantains, no potato chips... Give me ALL OF THE CHOCOLATE COVERED PEPPERMINT JO JOS, those babies are like crack. I like their PB&J chocolate bars too. I really do like way too many things from Trader Joes... so dangerous to go in. Their pub cheese with jalapenos? I could eat the whole thing (heated up) in one sitting.

What's your shoe size? Would you like to receive socks?
Man, I am just no fun. No socks please. I have super huge feet and I tend to just purchase black mens socks. All of my sizing info is in my ravelry swaps area (link to which is in switch witch stalking spreadsheet in my signature.)

Do you like Steampunk? Would you be interested in any jewelry inspired by steampunk?
I am fine with steampeak as long as we stick to silver/black and no brown/copper. However, again, I am not a big jewelry wearer. *sad face*

I make paper albums and journals. Would you be interested in receiving something like that? Would you like some other type of handmade paper craft?
No journals, albums, stationary, or anything that would require me to write on it. I have a really hard time writing; my hand motor skills/flexibility when it comes to gripping things is very poor. I wouldn't mind cute note cards or "thanks for the swap / thanks for the purchase!" cards (with either my forum names (TwilightEyes/MissTwilight) or forthcoming etsy shop name. (which I still haven't come up with.)

Are you currently ISO any BPAL new or otherwise? What are your top 10 scents?
Yes, those would be in my ISO post which is linked from my wishlist. *grin* I think I have my top scents already listed in my profile.

Black Friday will be a thing during this swap, anything you might want that will be on awesome sale?
... no idea. I usually avoid Black Friday and do Cyber Monday. I know that the Lab/Post usually has a treat if you order something and I'd love to have the treat, but it wouldn't come in time. I'm really more in the swap for friendship and happy then for "getting stuff" and I would be happy with homemade or handmade things.

Do you like to cook and would you be interested in cookbooks? If so, what kind?
I like to cook when I have my own place... It is kind of crowded here and someone is ALWAYS in the kitchen so it kind of drives me nuts. I might have some cookbooks on my amazon wish list though.

Do you like games (board/card), and if so what kind and for how many players?
I like games. I'd love cards against humanity or exploding kittens. I think they are both on my amazon wishlist.

If you have a Goodreads "to read" list, are those mostly books that you do not have and would like copies of, or are those mostly books that you already have piled on your shelves/lurking in your e-reader?
I think on my "to read" list on goodreads, it is mostly things that I own but haven't read yet. My amazon list is a much better indicator of what I want, especially if you list it by priority. And I actually read everything on my ipad, so I would have no problems looking .mobi or .epub files that came in email or on a thumb drive.... :pirate:

Do you have a wood-burning fireplace or fire pit, and if so would you like handmade firestarters or scenting bundles to throw on it? (think bundles of apple wood chips and cinnamon bark, or little wax/herb/paper bundles with a wick)
I do not have either a fireplace or a fire pit, we just have an area where we burn dead fall and things. Sadly I do not need any firestarters or scenting bundles right now, they would just sit and gather dust until it was nice enough outside to sit by a fire again. It's the rainy season and snow will be here soon.

You mentioned scarves in your questionnaire. Are you referring to a chunky thick keep-me-warm-in-a-snowstorm scarf, or a light and lacy could-be-warm-if-I-wound-it-a-hundred-times scarf?
If I mentioned a scarf it was that I'm a knitter and I have relatives who are knitters and everyone always buys or makes me scarves and I do not need one at all, thank you. :) I have all of the scarves. Light, lacy, thick fabric, thin fabric, wide, thin, long, short, knitted, striped, solid, designs, silk, wool, etc. Really, stop with the scarves.

Would you like to receive a photography print? My pictures are mainly of animals or landscapes. What would you prefer? Any favourite animals you'd like to receive a picture of? Would you also like to receive postcards? You can view some of my pictures on http://www.by-ellen.com
The web page didn't work for me, I got a grey screen with some different options at the top, but no photos. It's ok, I don't have room for any more artwork right now since I have downsized from a 4500 square foot home to a small basement to one room. All of my artwork is packed up right now.


If I were go get my shit together to actually bake before December 7, would you have any interest in fruitcake?
I am not really a fruitcake fan, but one of my friends sent me a recipe for pear/cherry/almond/marzipan fruitcake that uses amaretto. And it was really good. (it was really hard finding dried pears though.) But the traditional kind of fruitcake? Um... probably not.


If I were still feeling the alcoholic spirit and decided to make boozy chocolate balls of some sort, do you have a preference for bourbon, rum or Irish whiskey?
Mmmmmmm boozy chocolate! We usually do rum balls but I'd be up for whatever! I might have to try using some Sinfire or something this year ... cinnamon chocolate boozy balls. We're going to make some bailey's fudge in the next couple of days. (we = my mom. I will probably just watch since I am still sick.)


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