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Cordia 2 - shipped 7-1/3-06 - all reviewed

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Picked this up 6-30-06, hopefully I can turn this one around really fast since it's been waiting in my PO for a while.


Cordia 2

Alice** - already reviewed

the Coiled Serpent** - reviewed

Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo** - reviewed

Voodoo** - reviewed

Libertine** - reviewed

Lolita - reviewed

Juliet - reviewed


I've got all the **ed ones, so I should be able to get this tested and reviewed this weekend.


7-1-06: shipped this out tonight, it was too late for the last mail pickup so it will go out with Monday's mail.


8-6-06: yay, all tried and reviewed!

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Notes: sweet pea, stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk, pear

In the vial, I think I am smelling mainly sweet pea and honeysuckle. This is not my usual type of scent so it’s interesting to test this one (and ones like it) to learn the different notes. Once on, those main smells predominate, the sweet pea and honeysuckle. This reminds me of a garden, my mom’s in fact when I was growing up. For years she grew sweet peas along the fence and they smelled so good, while our neighbor had honeysuckle growing along the side of her house. I remember eating the honeysuckle tips (yum!). So this oil brings back good childhood memories for me.


It’s a very sweet scent, very innocent and young. I’m not sure about the other notes but I may be able to detect the heliotrope warming things up.


I’m really liking this scent a lot and am glad that I got to try it (thanks GC swap!). It’s not one that I’d probably ever wear, it’s just that different from what I reach for, but if I come across an imp I’ll keep it and enjoy it.

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When I first apply this I get orange blossom, sweet and slightly bitter. After just a couple minutes the orange blossom recedes and lemons make their appearance, zesty and fresh. After about 10 minutes or so the heliotrope comes out, bringing to mind Ra which just screams heliotrope to me. This is a pretty light scent, and it’s fading pretty quick.


After about ½ hr, this sweetens considerably. At this point I can’t smell the orange blossom (yay, I don’t care for that scent), and the lemon is more like lemon smarties. There’s a sweet, yellow floral here. Overall, this fades pretty quick but it’s pretty while it lasts and it's perfect for the warmer months!

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Notes: myrrh, patchouli, vetivert, lime, vanilla, pine, almond, clove


In the imp and initially on the skin, this smells a bit like cherry coke. After it’s been on a while, it doesn’t smell exactly like cherry coke any more, but I’m at a loss at how to describe this. It’s a tad masculine, and I think it would smell really good on a guy.


I can’t get beyond the cherry coke imagery in my brain for this scent.

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Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

Notes: none listed


Wow, this is such a happy, cheery scent! It smells fruity, and slightly like bubblegum. The fruit smells like blood orange or cherry, or both. It’s quite sweet and smells sugared. OMG – I just realized what this smells like, Tigi Milk and Honey shampoo! There’s similarities here to Dana O’Shee – but sweeter (believe it or not!) with fruit. Nice!

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The Coiled Serpent - Bewitching Brews

Notes: none listed


Impressions: Woody. Dark and calming. Slightly sweet. The wood smells like it could be cedar and I think there’s a patchouli in here. There could be a touch of anise. This is a beautiful, soothing scent that is grounded and centered. Very nice.

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Libertine – Love Potions

Notes: rosewood, chamomile, bergamot, violet, red sandalwood, primrose, arabian musk

In the Imp: chamomile and rosewood


On the Skin, wet: this reminds me of my beloved Sleepy Moon. Must be the chamomile. This is a bit more herbal but I’m liking this.


Dry: After it’s been on a bit, it’s predominantly rosewood, the chamomile is still here, with touches of primrose and violet. It’s not so much Sleepy Moon but I still like this. The sandalwood and musk support the herbs and rosewood.


Overall: This is a soft, clean scent, understated and natural. It would smell good on a man or a woman and is perfect for those time when you want to smell good without the scent being overpowering or in your face.

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Alice - Mad Tea Party (reviewed 9-2-05)

Notes: milk, rose, carnation, bergamot


Alice is sooo pretty.


I've had some so-so experiences with milk so I was a bit reluctant to try this but I'm so glad that I did. It's a softly spicy floral with touches of milk and maybe a tad of vanilla. The spicy floral is definitely carnation. Just looked at the notes - no vanilla listed, but I would swear there is just a hint.


Anyway - overall Alice is a very soft, pretty scent, bringing to mind petticoats, white dresses and soft pink ribbons tied around the waist. Very sweet and innocent - a perfect springtime scent - I love it!

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