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kakiphony 1 - shipped 7-1/3-06

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Picked this up 6-30-06


Kakiphony 1

Ava Maria Gratia Plena** - reviewed

Hymn to Prosperine** - reviewed

Jazz Funeral**

Jolly Roger** - reviewed

Juke Joint - reviewed


I've got most, if not all of these, so I should be able to get this out within a day or two.


ETA 7-1-06: took this to the PO tonight, it was too late for the last mail pickup so it will travel with Monday's mail.

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Juke Joint

Notes: Kentucky bourbon, sugar, mint


In the imp, this smells like sweet booze or cologne that has gone “off”. Once on, it sweetens up and the mint becomes more apparent. Wet, it retains a bit of the off cologne smell, but that morphs pretty quick. I always thought that I liked the scent of booze, and I do, but this doesn’t smell particularly like booze to me. It’s a lot more subtle, perhaps it’s the mint that does it. It smells vaguely herbal. The mint, while there, isn’t particularly strong, it’s more like a hint of mint. But it’s just enough. I like this scent but I’m not particularly bowled over by it. But I do enjoy the smell of booze.


(BTW – I applied some Snake Charmer lotion as this scent was fading away and it adds a nice touch. I think I’d like this better w/a touch of vanilla.)

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Jolly Roger - Bewitching Brews

Notes: sea spray, leather, Bay Rum & salty dry woods


This is a lot lighter than I was expecting. I was expecting something more bay rumish - this to me is mainly aquatics and ozone. There is an element of bay rum and wood in there which is really nice. As it wears, the ozone and aquatics get stronger on me, scents that I'm not too fond of. I can still smell the salty woods and I want them back! This is very much a masculine scent. It's clean and fresh smelling, a bit too stong for my nose but it is very evocative of what it is intended to capture. Great job but not for me.

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Hymn to Prosperpine - Bewitching Brews

Notes: amber, fruits of Prosperpine


This is beautiful! This is strong, sweet amber. There’s a fruity element, I suppose that must be the pomegranate but I can see similarities to cranberry. I’m really loving this. I had my boyfriend smell it and he said that it smelled like candy. I’m disappointed that he doesn’t love it like I do, and now I can see similarities to candy, it’s such a sweet scent. But it is so much more. It smells like there could be a touch of vanilla in here. And maybe some sandalwood. I want a bottle of this; I know that my imp is not going to last. I love this scent.


(Looking over the reviews as I was getting ready to post, fallow deer compares it to Al Azif. Thinking about it, I too can see similarities to Al Azif. For me, not the incense part but more the sweetness.)

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Ave Maria Gratia Plena - Love Potions

Notes: rosewood, sicilian lemon peel, red mysore sandalwood, pale musks, sweet mountain sage, lily, jasmine, orris


In the imp: light smelling, herbal


On the skin: this oil is still light smelling. It has a bit of a bite, a touch of bitterness. There are flowers here but they are subdued, light, almost translucent. Yes– this is a scent that is light, airy, translucent.


There’s an underlying base of wood and a touch of clear musk. Nice. It smells like a crystalline, nighttime scent. With a clear sky. Flowers in the background.

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