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filigree_shadow package #1 - shipped

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received 6-2-06 from spacekitty


Dragon's Bone - reviewed

Dragon's Eye - reviewed

Dragon's Blood **

Dragon's Hide**

Dragon's Tears**

Dragon's Musk - reviewed

Dragon's Milk - already reviewed


along with this one, I got filigree_shadow's #2 & #3, plus Aryllkin#2. I am OVERFLOWING with imps! wahoo!


ETA: I've either got imps or bottles of all of these, so rather than testing any of these, I dropped this off in the mail to cordia tonight along with the package from spacekitty. But most of them I've only had a quick swipe (except Dragon's Milk - yum! and Dragon's Hide - smokey and sexy) so now I have to test and review them!

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Dragon's Heart


I was inspired to test my imp through the GC swap.


In the imp it smell like musky, dark fruit, maybe fruit that is slightly off. Not a great smell but not a bad one either.


On the skin, it blooms. Wow, this is amazing. A blend of musks (esp. red musk, yum!) with a fruity tang and a touch of the herbal, resiny jasmine-like dragon’s blood. This is a very strong scent and only a little is needed. After a few hrs what remains is the musks tempered a bit by the dragon’s blood. Overall, this is a great scent!

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Dragon's Eye


I’ve been inspired to test my Dragon’s Eye imp by the GC swap.


Wow – I can really smell the lily of the valley and the lilac. This oil reminds me of my grandmothers house for some reason and hot summer days when I was growing up. I’m not sure what galbanum smells like. In all of the Ars Draconis scents that I’ve tried, the dragon’s blood is a very small component in the scents; this oil is no different. It seems to be there more in a supporting role rather than taking central stage. This reminds me more of a traditional, old fashioned perfume or toilet water than a BPAL oil. As it wears on, the florals continue to dominate.


Overall thoughts, scentwise it's not for me but it's certainly a very evocative oil.

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Dragon's Musk


The GC swap has made me pull out my Dragon’s Musk imp and give it a whirl. In the imp, it smells a bit musty and a slight note of dragon’s blood. Once on, it’s nicely balanced between the musks and the dragon’s blood. It’s not a sweet scent by any means. The dragon’s blood is here more to accent the musk rather than play a starring role. It’s a very masculine scent. The perfect compliment to Dragon’s Milk. Dragon’s Musk and Smut share some of the same musks. For someone looking for Smut, this may be a good substitute. It evokes the same kinda vibe to me. It’s a long lasting scent – hrs later I can still smell it. As it wears on, the dragon’s blood resins seem to come out, but still with the musks dominating the show. As it wears on, I’m not getting the Smut vibe as strongly as I was earlier. Overall, pretty good!

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Dragon's Bone

Notes: dragon’s blood, white sandalwood, orris, blondwood


In the imp, I can smell the dragon’s blood most strongly of any of the notes. Once applied, the dragon’s blood remains a dominant note, seconded by the iris-like orris. I’m not getting any sandalwood or blondwood (not sure how that should smell but I can imagine), but I think they may be providing a base to the orris and dragon’s blood.


This is a dry, dusty scent due to the orris. I’m sure that the sandalwood contributes to this feeling as well. I usually find dragon’s blood to be fairly succulant so the orris and sandalwood combination must be stronger than I had originally thought. It’s interesting, as the scent wears on it smells similar to sarsaparilla or something vaguely rootbeer-like. This doesn’t last too long but it was completely unexpected! After it’s been on a while, the orris remains the dominant note. I like it but I think that my imp is just right.

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