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More SW: Please, no Unicorns. Now, with urine.

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About The Last Unicorn.


I am not interested in The Last Unicorn scents because they are The Last Unicorn. I don't have any kind of attachment to it as a memory so I'm not peeing myself with glee over it, though I *totally* understand why other people are peeing themselves with glee.

However if the notes are released and they sound up my alley, well, my ears will perk up.


When Lovecraft stuff comes out, I squee. When the RPG scents were announced I almost hyperventilated. If they ever came up with anything Conan, Sky Doll (highly fucking unlikely) or Futurama, I would probably have to rush to the bathroom.


However, even as much as I love these things, it comes down to notes. If all the Sky Doll scents had white florals, I would pass. And cry. If Conan has heavy incense and wood, I would find a bat and start hitting things with it and pass.


So yeah.


Okay, Disney Heroes? I like that Belle reads but I am seriously not a fan of Disney Princesses. Technically, Belle isn't a princess till the end of the movie. I mean, I assume they get married. Do they? Maybe they just live together. Who knows, they are French (JOKING!).


But again, I love Atlantis. I love it so much. I also really love The Road To El Dorado, which is Dreamworks I believe. That's a FABULOUS movie. And I like Titan A.E.


Crocheted animals: Did I answer this? I love those animals because they are SO FRAKKING CUTE. But...I don't collect stuffed animals, anymore. My daughter has a amigurumi(sp?) Cthulhu that she LOVES. I would rather learn how to make the little bastards.


Touristy stuff: We don't have a lot of storage space in this apartment and all our stuff on display is either dorky or made of stone or wood. We don't collect shot glasses, I'm trying to not wear t-shirts, tiny spoons, what are those for? If it's the kind of stuff you get in the airport, I will say, please, no, don't send it. But a leaf from where you live? That'd be cool! Or a stone? AWESOME!


Monsters in general: Not a super fan, I am not into this whole Vampire craze. I like werewolves just a bit, lycanthropes. My favorite show about beasties is Being Human. I freaking LOVE that show.


VApothecary/Nocturne Alchemy NAlloween updates: I know I want stuff from VA :( And I will inevitably want things from the NA update. If you haven't tried them, you should check NA out. They have VERY wearable florals; I used to shun them and now, I like them, but only with these guys. Also, their scents morph a lot, generally into something very yummy. Nocturne Alchemy satifsfied my perpetual interest/obsession with Ancient Egypt and well, when the Full Moon Apothecary opens up, again, with the pee, everywhere.


So there.


Witch, I hope you are having a good weekend! :D

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