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Astrological Chart Part I!

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I'm going to split this up into two posts. Turns out I'm very wordy, haha.


circe_blue is an Aquarius Sun sign person with a Scorpio moon and Capricorn rising.


Aquarius and Leo are intercepted signs in her chart (Aquarius in the first house, Leo in the 7th house)


It may well be, therefore, that the quirky excellence of that Aquarian self (Sun) is kind of not quite apparent to those who meet our Patty. What they first think, as they encounter her, is more likely "Mommie!!! Oh, powerful and loving and archetypal woman, did you bring me cookies?"


Huh. That is very interesting especially considering I myself haven’t felt very Aquarian at times. And in school I have the feeling people would describe me dependable, quiet or shy. Not very Aquarian.

As for the mommy thing, I do seem to do pretty well with the kids of friends to my shock (I am an only child).


Because, Ceres in Capricorn is conjunct her ascendant, and also conjunct her Capricorn Black Moon Lilith.


Now, Capricorn rising usually comes across more as responsible, ambitious, loyal, enduring, and so forth. And it is true that someone with a Cappie Ceres is likely to have felt that...well, cuddles and cookies weren't being widely bestowed; it was more a matter of "suck it up and deal with it, life is hard, better get used to it". But with a first house Ceres, like it or not, the needful of the world (including little bunny rabbits and stray dogs and cats and what not) will be flocking to you.


Awww, bring it on! I *love* little bunny rabbits and stray dogs and cats! In fact, since you’ve written this, I’ve moved and five (!) stray cats have found me. I feed them and give them ear scritchins then they go on their way. I’m hoping to get an appointment to get them neutered/spayed soon :crosses fingers:


And you are also projecting, or subject to the responsibility of having others project upon you, a lot of...well, deep wisdom. (this may not be apparent in your life yet, Lilith takes her time). The Capricorn Black Moon marks those who are kind of apprentices to a lot of the..(*tries to sound coherent here*)..patterns, secrets, structures of this universe. You will be someone, if you choose to become this, who, after many experiences draws from deep wells to help and instruct others. (Don't bother to worry about it or think "omigosh, how will I know"...it will unfold as it should for you, and you are always quite able to say no, not my choice or path). But you may take a lot of comfort from nature, from the natural world. (my own Liliths are all in Cappie, it is a very interesting sort of energy to be working with).


Well, I am beyond glad the universe/stars/something has a plan for me as I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing!


I love the woods and crisp autumn air. One of my favorite things to do is to read under the shade of a tree.


With a first house Sun you'd really like recognition for who you are: hey, it's me! Aquarian!! Bright and special and delightful and eccentric!!! Might not get this right off, though, and this might make you feel a bit—"what's happening here? I mean, sure, I can be a responsible and caring person, but people seem to be reacting to a different person than the person I think I am". Your Juno in Aquarius is conjunct your Sun; might be that those Aquarian type partners who are drawn into your life--the ones who respond to your originality and independence and humanitarianism--will help you get a surer sense of your self.


Oh, wow. I totally agree with the bolded!


Moon is in Scorpio in the 10th house; you have a Scorpio midheaven as well. So, though your Scorpio inner self probably would love to keep all that passion and emotion under wraps, private, hidden--it's out there. In public view. In your calling or career, which could involve many Scorpio themes (secrets, passion, sexuality, research, healing, transformation). And you have a 10th house Jupiter, so you are quite likely to suceed in whatever public thing you are involved in. (Jupiter is in Sagittarius, so there may be an element of travel or intellectual exploration involved here).


I earned a master’s degree in biology and I really, really hope I can get a job (in research!) very soon.

And I absolutely love to travel, seeing new things, exploring a new city. When my fiancé told me we couldn’t feasibly visit Europe in the next few years do to his job, I wanted to cry =(


In your 2nd house you have the famed Venus/Mars conjunction. Yours is in Pisces (and is currently being a bit challenged by transiting Uranus, but we'll get to that). Go back through the thread if you have a chance, and you'll find some discussion of this blessing of the faeries, this Venus/Mars energy (blessing...and challenge, according to some who have it.) (*sighs* ) (nah, I don't have it)


Venus/Mars conjunct (or Mars/Venus, either way) grants a certain sparkle and magic to how one is perceived by others. It's not beauty, it's not precisely charisma, but it is a special sort of sweetening that draws folks likes flies to honey. People tend to think you are special; they tend to do what you wish they would.


Very interesting! I feel more dorky and less mysterious or charismatic, though. But this is very good to know :) !



In your case, in the area of what is valued, what you possess, what you think is worthwhile. (So, dear, you do possess...well, call it charm). And maybe you think this charm is really important (and possibly it is). And, being in Pisces--what we have is deep sensitivity and empathy (see that Ceres at your ascendant!). We have extreme ability to pick up emotions of other people (this is really far from the Aquarian sun persona, by the way--that's detached, compassionate in a remote way). Cruelty of any sort--even if you read about it in the newspaper--probably hits your heart; seems so bizarre (though perhaps a Scorpio Moon has a sense of how revenge and cruelty can happen in life) .


The bolded part is what really caught my eye the first time I was reading this. I cannot watch, hear, or read about cruelty to animals or violence against women. I will change the channel or leave the room. Otherwise, I tend to dwell on it and get very depressed.


There is a longing to have all things lovely, non confrontational (again, in contrast to your Scorpio Moon, however), just full of rainbows and dancing and delight. Like LdyKnight you have Vesta in the 2nd house--again, you need to try to at least move your focus from worry about work for pay in the world (maybe a little consideration of the lilies of the field might be in order here). You will not thrive if you are all focussed, long term, on Must Make Money In Life. That is not the center of your values, or yourself, and if you take that path it will be painful for you. (Uranus passing here right now is challenging you emotionally; it's a question of "what do you love? who do you love? what's worth your energy?" and probably some restlessness)


I really don’t like confrontation, as you wrote. You’re right on about that, lol.


And I will try to not focus about money right now, but admittedly it is *so* hard! I’m jobless right now and I always check what each employer is paying.

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