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BPAL Madness!
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Today my mail included a non-BPAL package that is nearly (but not quite) as exciting as one from BPAL...


I got this locket, with the intention of using it as a scent locket. I'm wearing it now...it looks great and smells better!


I also got two big bottles of fractionated coconut oil, which I'll be mixing with some of my imps to put into rollerballs. I'm not sure exactly which imps to mix, though...the thought of diluting the precious (even a little) is painful, but some of them are very strong on me and I want them to last as long as possible.


Finally, I attempted using Caliph's Beloved yesterday to lure my husband into being somewhat less of an asshole...unfortunately, it didn't work, and in fact we had a gigantic fight at bedtime because I laid in bed waiting for him, in lingerie and TAL, for two-and-a-half hours before he finally turned his computer off and came upstairs...and even after he got in bed he ignored me so he could read a book and eat crackers. Jerk. What's that old saying- "I wouldn't kick him out of my bed for eating crackers", right? Well how ironic it is that the crackers were the straw that broke the camel's back!


I'm blaming his utter obliviousness and thick-headedness rather than the TAL- he said I seemed "unapproachable" even though I practically threw myself at him! I now am even more certain that trying to fix our marriage is beating a dead horse. I'll save the sexy oils for others, then! (Don't freak, we're poly and my husband knows I'm seeing other people.)

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