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BPAL Madness!
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The last seven days have just plain sucked, especially when it comes to BPAL. First I managed to burn out my nose- all my BPALs suddenly smelled like "vague perfume". I totally lost the ability to tell them apart. I went without for two days (well, actually, it was more like a day and a half- I couldn't wait any longer) and that seemed to help.


Now I'm having a different problem...all my scents are turning to soap on drydown. I tried Succubus today and it was one of the few "OMG" scents I've found so far...but within half an hour? Soap. Nothing but f*cking mildly orange-scented soap. I'm so sad.


Maybe it's just because I'm in the "PMS monster" part of my cycle? Could that be it? If not...I guess I'll have to see how Succubus does in a scent locket, because dammit, I want this scent to love me like I love it!

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