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Whine/Confession Post

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Damn you, Facebook. I was tagged in two photos and then I untagged myself because I think I look fat in them. I didn't want any of my friends from high school to think "Oh, she got fat hahahaha".


So my confession is this: yes, I am this self-concious/vain. Also, I hate Facebook newsfeed because it made the whole untagging thing useless, as I had already shown up on the friend's list recent activities thing. Grrr.



I hate being this size. I hate that I've gained weight since college and that I delete all the pics of myself that I think are ugly becuase I think they make me look fat. :( Ugh. I know I'll be stressing about this Facebook tagging business all night.

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ugh, I know how you feel! A friend of mine keeps tagging photos of me that are just incredibly unflattering (not in a fat way, well sometimes, but usually in an 'I'm making the most unattractive face ever' way) and I don't know how to tell her not to...and if I untag it it will look weird. Bleh. The whole 'tagging' thing completely sucks!

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