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BPAL Madness!
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TAL believer!

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I've been having a craptacular month (summer, year ...), & sometimes it just gets a bit overwhelming. The other day I dug out my bottle of Anthelion (Overcomes poverty, illness, and bad luck. Drives off despair and grief, and enables you to find hope and joy in life again). I've worn it before & been impressed both times, but feel reluctant to wear it too often for fear of ... I don't know, wearing it out? Asking too much & breaking it? But I definitely needed a lift, so wore it Tuesday.


The day started out not-so-great (I'm getting a Needs Improvement on my mid-year review - but my manager did say she's going to move me to another position since she knows I hate training), but then later my favorite former co-worker got called in to cover someone else's shift, and my boyfriend showed up to play games with the group in the cafe like he used to do, before his schedule got rearranged & he couldn't anymore. So I got to talk to my friend & see Jason & be all happy, & he gave me a ride home so I didn't have to wait for the bus, & we got yummy tacos & all was good.


Little glimpses of how good life can be sometimes really help you carry on when things just completely suck the rest of the time ... Now I need to find my bottle of Lionheart (Grants you immense amounts of courage and drive. Useful to help you recover from intense depression and ennui. Brings on a positive outlook, renews hope, and replenishes positive energy. Fills your spirit with the courage and nobility of a lion, warmed by the life-giving joy of its solar aspects). I keep misplacing things lately - really need to make a sales post & clear things out ...

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