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My tarot cards are yelling at me.

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I haven't done much with my tarot decks the last few months - I've been kind of vegging online in my spare time, I guess. Bad me. But the last week or so, I've been carrying my newest deck (the Llywellyn Tarot - gorgeous watercolor style, based on Welsh mythology) around in my bag & doing a one-card reading each morning.


It's been very interesting, & usually amazingly on-target - when an argument came up on a previously happy day, my first thought was, "So that's what that 3 of Swords was about!" But I'm detecting a theme - 8 of Swords one day (feeling powerless, needing to open eyes & take action?), Hanged Man another (sometimes a regenerative time of no action, sometimes a "stop waiting for other people to force you to a decision"), and today, the Death card (minor changes no longer enough. Change is necessary, and it'll hurt, but lead somewhere. Stop clinging to the old).


Can't say it's surprising, but I still don't know what to do. My living situation the past year has led to intense conflict & estrangement from my little brother and my best friend of the past ten years, and periodic strains in my relationship with my boyfriend. I end up trying to mediate between the man I love & my closest friend ever, who now hate each other, & that's not even bringing up how much my brother has put me in a bad situation & doesn't seem to care. Argh.


So I'm just trying to focus on the little things that get me by, & make of each day what I can, & put off Big Unpleasantnesses ... but these readings are reminding me you can't put off Reckonings forever. I still don't know what to do about anything though ... Guess I'll stick with day by day mode a little longer?

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