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A collection of strange and interesting desires

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My collection as it progresses!

As of 11/10/2011...   Bottles GC: Bewitching Brews: La Belle Dame Sans Merci (DC'd)   Neil Gaiman: Eau de Ghoul   LE:   Crypt Queen (on the way!) The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love (on the way!)   Banded Sea Snake Habu Saw-Scaled Viper Western Diamondback (on the way!)   Halloweenie: Boo 2011 (on the way!) Gunpowder (on the way!) Regina Erebi (on the way!)   Pickman Gallery: La Mort: Mon ironie...! Triumph of Death (on the way!)   -   Imps/Decants in a somewhat orderly fashion...   GC: Bold = DC'd, Italics = Sale/Frimp pile   Endymion O Spellbound Danse Macabre Fae Meliai Saint-Germain Sudha Segara Red-Devil Horreur Sympathique x 2 Phantom Queen x 3 Nosferatu Rage Bastet Grandmother of Ghosts Sacred Whore of Babylon Croquet Frumious Bandersnatch Jabberwocky White Rabbit The Miller's Daughter x 2 The Rose Asphodel Devil's Claw Hemlock Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Wrath Hellfire The Scales of Deprivation Death on a Pale Horse Phoenix Steamworks Niflheim x 2 R'lyeh Versailles   On the way: Blood Kiss x 2, Lorelei, Odin   Gaiman: Fairy Wine Mr. Ibis Victoria   LE:   Asp Viper Cottonmouth The Grindhouse Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller Velvet Cthulhu The Torture Queen




Winter Holiday Fun Swap Q&A

So... someone has gifted you a $20 gift card from a drug store to ONLY use on things for yourself. No necessities here. What do you buy? Burt's Bees things (I like hand salves!), fake eyelashes or nails, and Ritter chocolate.   I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. Would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (It's Penzey's if you want to Google it.) I use garlic like it's going out of style, so any kind of garlic blend would be awesome.   Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? Do you prefer machine washable materials? Do you not care?)? Knitted goods are fabulous! I love scarves, specifically, and my color scheme is generally black although I love pink, too! I also really like machine washable things, as I tend to be a bit of a klutz/mess-maker.   Hey swap partner... could you use a new mug? Yanno, I'm a Starbucks barista, so I have a LOT of mugs... but a travel mug would be awesome! I only have one or two of those and they are in varying states of falling apart. When we get the holiday merchandise in at my store, I hope to purchase my favorite mug (and quite possibly several other things, haha) for my snowbunny!   Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try? I so very much miss my German instant mashed potatoes that came in a cup noodle sort of package, just add hot water. Such a silly thing, but I loved them.   Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such? I haven't in the past as I've lived alone... but perhaps this year I will! Preferably sentimental ornaments, no matter what the design.   Would you like a special ornament? Sure!   Tim Tams. Yay or nay? Not opposed, but I prefer Jammie Dodgers. :-D   Now, a question of my own: I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store? Ohhh, home made and/or fried sounds great to me!   Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed? If they were Halloween/spooky themed, I sure would. And this goes for any time of year... we have quite a silly goth aesthetic in my house.   My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a body scrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist? I don't know much about body scrubs... perhaps I should just say that I occasionally have dry skin, adore vanilla and lavender, and I think the idea of a body scrub sounds fabulous.   Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? If yes, then what kind? Scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted? I am a candle fanatic. No, really. My house is littered in Yankee Candles of all varieties - I like foody scents and patchouli, although my all time favorite from YC is Witch's Brew. Colors are all great! Sculpted sort of freak me out because if they don't burn well, you can end up with a headless horse candle or something... quite distressing. I hope my snowbunny likes tarts/candles!   Also what do you think of little soaps? I know most people don't use soaps nowadays but I love the chocolate/vanilla/cocoa/butter/sugar combo scents that I see at beauty stores.... Hmmm... I don't know! I tend to use B&BW body wash, but perhaps a foody or holiday sort of scent would be a great soap.   Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams? I have a passion for over-the-knee socks that is completely ridiculous. I don't wear slippers too often, though. And I adore Sock Dreams!   Would you wear something like this if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color? Oh my goodness, yes! Black would probably go best with what I generally wear.   New question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA? Haha, I am a coffee snob! Whole bean all the way, no flavoring, and caffeine is preferred. I have a crappy flat bottom drip at the moment but am considering a french press as they are awfully cheap with my afore-mentioned Starbucks job. And I LOVE tea! All sorts of tea, I have a tea strainer for full leaf so no problem there. I have a soft spot for Celestial Seasonings' holiday blends, like Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride.   Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like? I'd be interested in trying the lip tar - probably in a shade like vintage.   Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try? No, but it seems interesting! Maybe shampoo/conditioner in a musky, vanilla scent... they seem to have tons of scents.   Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences? Sigh... I can't wear nail polish at my job. I do love dark colors for the very rare occasion when I have a few days off of work in a row, or when I'm feeling like giving myself a pedicure.   If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!) I love magical BPAL unicorns! Probably Snake Oil, Horreur Sympathique, and ... hmm... Hemlock? Eat Me? O? One of those, it would be tough to choose!   Is there any particular holiday DVD that you don't have that you would like to own? Ooh... I am a SUCKER for holiday movies! From comedy to classics, I just love them. So basically, any, as I don't actually own any - I have Netflix and I tend to watch things online, but having a dvd is always nice.   How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero? I like the idea of superheroes - I enjoyed Ironman and Watchmen as films - but I am not an avid comic book reader... yet!   Would my bunny like anything in particular from Lush? I do have access to an actual Lush store, and also wouldn't mind ordering retro items online. Edited answer: I just had the opportunity to try their Big Shampoo and it is amazing! I'd love some Lush shampoo/conditioner/shower products, and I plan to get some in the near future.   24. Would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents? What neat packaging! Man in the Moon and Gingermilk seem up my alley.   Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety? I have three adorable rescued fancy rats (Bruiser, Missy and Pitbull) and a very handsome Arabian show horse (Prism). All of them eat small amounts of people food, so if I were gifted something that was rat or pony safe (horses can eat just about anything - rats a little bit less so), then I hope my fox wouldn't mind me sharing with my pets!   How do you feel about honey/beeswax? Would you like any? I don't actually know what I would do with beeswax, but I do love honey and putting it in my tea, so it would be a very welcome gift.   Trader Joe's? Nah, I can always stop there when I visit my mom in Atlanta.   Paintbox Soapworks Yules? Comfort & Joy sounds lovely, though I feel I should mention that I rarely use soaps and gravitate more towards shower gels.   If I were to place ONE LAST Weenie order, (uh, which I will) what would you want me to include for you? (presuming that is that the order can get here in time, bites nails) Hmm, not sure! I have fallen in love with the one scent from the Pickman Gallery that I ordered - La Mort - but I'm not sure what else will really interest me. I do have Triumph of Death & Regina Erebi on the way, though. Perhaps whatever was your favorite?   Will you be away for any part of the round? Probably not, at least, not in the sense that I won't have computer access.   Anyone else with an Etsy store and a member of Tradeaholics (or you could join) and interested in bartering for gifts for their bunny? Everything in my shop is up for trade. No etsy store here - not really so crafty.   What type of books do you like? Dying to read anything? Haha, I would really like to get my hands on some Lovecraft! I currently am reading the complete Sherlock Holmes... insanely amazing. Also a big Potter and Gaiman fan, here.   If you like Christmas music (or any other holiday music, for that matter), what kind of style do you like? Traditional? Modern and poppy? Indie? I'm really not picky, so I suppose traditional - but anything I can sing along with, really.   Do you enjoy things that taste like roses? For example chewing gum, turkish delight, delicious goo that you eat by the spoonful out of a glass jar (and they all taste of rose. Yes, we have all these in Greece.) To be honest, I have absolutely no idea, but I wouldn't mind trying some! Same with the mastic.   I live in the city of the chickenwing. If I were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter)? I do like chicken wings, but I gravitate towards the medium realm - and I do love sweet/hot things, as well as hot/garlic.   If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a giftcard from anywhere, as in any store food wise, music wise etc. what giftcard would you like? Gonna go ahead and say Amazon for myself, too!   If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies? I love those silly holiday white-peppermint Hershey's Kisses, as well as peppermint bark, and I have no problem with nuts - macadamia are probably my favorite. I don't normally like very dark chocolate, but I'll try just about anything.   Does anything from FusionSweets interest you? Bacon sea salt caramels sound interesting.   Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update? Wow... what beautiful jewelry! The Aurora Borealis pendant is lovely, but I really like her notecards.



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