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BPAL Madness!
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Wishlist, currently owned scents, and the like

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BPALs tried

And here's a list of the BPALs that I've tried (though don't necessarily own). Again--if I've reviewed any of them, I'll likely link to the review (at some point...)   Aelopile Bliss Calico Jack Dragon's Blood Eat Me Eve Fenris Wolf Galvanic Goggles Good - RPG Series Gremlin Cake Grog Hellcat Kitty Miskatonic University Nyarlathotep Phoenix in Autumn Red Lantern 2007 Schrodinger's Cat Strawberry Moon 2009 Thanatos Vice Whoop Yggdrasil




BPALs owned

Here's a list of the scents I currently own. And if I can figure out how to work this blog, I'll probably make links if I've reviewed them anywhere...   In generally, there are all imp-sized. For one or two I might have a bottle. Except for bottles, I'm pretty willing to trade just about anything, so if you see something you're interested in, just ask. There's a good chance I'd be willing to trade for it. And if I'm not--then you just managed to stumple on to the rare scent that I've decided to attempt to hoard all for myself!   Aelopile Antikythera Mechanism Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bliss Calico Jack Cthulhu Dee Dragon's Blood Eat Me Eggnog Eve Fenris Wolf Galvanic Goggles Good - RPG Series Gremlin Cake Grog Hellcat Kitty Kyoto Minamoto no Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider Miskatonic University No. 93 Engine Nosferatu Nyarlathotep Perversion Phoenix in Autumn Rat King 2010 Red Lantern 2007 Schrodinger's Cat Shoggoth Shub-Niggurath Smokestack Strawberry Moon 2009 Thanatos Tin Phoenix Tintagel Vice Whoop Yggdrasil





I'm sure this will get larger as time goes by...but currently there are only a couple of scents on my wishlist. Don't judge me!   Beatrice - sample Liz - sample FOUND! Phoenix in Autumn - bottle FOUND! Weeping Branches Moon - sample



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