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BPAL Madness!
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just notes on my BPAL experiences

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Two lovely packages from the Labs today- both my BPAL imps and my TAL 5mls.   I got two frimps with the imp order- Black Dahlia and Venice.   Of course I've sniffed every last one, but am forcing myself to wear only one per day until I've gone through all of them and can decide what works and what doesn't. Today is Queen (from the Voodoo collection). It's working really well on me. My husband and my son both like it, also. I'll probably write a review later on, when (if?) I discover how long it takes to fade out.  




Order sent!

Yay! My refund cleared PayPal today, so my TAL order is placed!   I ended up only ordering the original five that I listed. I didn't add Firey Wall of Protection- will save it for next time.   Maybe, if I'm super-lucky, all my various orders will be waiting for me when I get back from holiday!   I'm off now to obsess some more over reviews and wonder if I chose well




More stuff

Today my mail included a non-BPAL package that is nearly (but not quite) as exciting as one from BPAL...   I got this locket, with the intention of using it as a scent locket. I'm wearing it now...it looks great and smells better!   I also got two big bottles of fractionated coconut oil, which I'll be mixing with some of my imps to put into rollerballs. I'm not sure exactly which imps to mix, though...the thought of diluting the precious (even a little) is painful, but some of them are very strong on me and I want them to last as long as possible.   Finally, I attempted using Caliph's Beloved yesterday to lure my husband into being somewhat less of an asshole...unfortunately, it didn't work, and in fact we had a gigantic fight at bedtime because I laid in bed waiting for him, in lingerie and TAL, for two-and-a-half hours before he finally turned his computer off and came upstairs...and even after he got in bed he ignored me so he could read a book and eat crackers. Jerk. What's that old saying- "I wouldn't kick him out of my bed for eating crackers", right? Well how ironic it is that the crackers were the straw that broke the camel's back!   I'm blaming his utter obliviousness and thick-headedness rather than the TAL- he said I seemed "unapproachable" even though I practically threw myself at him! I now am even more certain that trying to fix our marriage is beating a dead horse. I'll save the sexy oils for others, then! (Don't freak, we're poly and my husband knows I'm seeing other people.)




Home from the holiday

I had a wonderful time in Scotland, and better yet, only minutes before I left, I got six imps that I'd purchased from another forum member!   I was in a rush, and wasn't thinking straight, so for some reason I only brought two imps with me and left the others. I took Dragon's Heart and La Belle Dame Sans Merci. The former was a winner, and almost certainly will be a 5m purchase, but unfortunately the latter turned out awful on me. I put more detailed descriptions in the reviews section.   Today I'm wearing Ephemera, and I really like it a lot. Have also added a review for that one.   Best yet, there were two CnS e-mails waiting when I got home! Today is a bank holiday in Ireland so the postman didn't come, but hopefully tomorrow will be full of TAL and BPAL goodness!   Edited to add: as I catch up on the forums I am too tempted by some of the new swaps...someone stop me, I need to at least try the stuff I've ordered before I get more!




a new obsession

I've been blogging in various spaces since 2002, but never done a special-interest blog before. However, I can't stop thinking about BPAL, and my husband is getting sick of me going on and on about it, so I set this up so I can blather on and on without annoying anyone!   I'm totally new to BPAL. I thought I was "not a perfume person", since I'm hyper-sensitive to chemical/factory perfumes. I am Pagan and used to be interested in blending my own incense, but when I quit smoking cigarettes, I started being annoyed by incense smoke as well.   Anyway, for my birthday in May, a friend sent me a bottle of TAL "White Light". I wasn't sure I liked it upon smelling it in the bottle- my first thought was that it was a "Granny perfume", in total honesty. That first impression could not possibly have been more wrong or misguided.   I applied the oil to my chakra points before a ritual (a Tantric chakra meditation, to be specific). I'd only had limited success in chakra meditations before- I usually have trouble clearing my mind and focusing. But this time was completely and totally different. My partner also thought it was an especially intense session. I felt like I was floating for a couple of days afterward!   I've used White Light three or four times since that first night. The second time was when my husband and I were having a discussion that was about to degenerate into a fight. I put a drop of oil on each wrist. The mood in the room lightened within seconds. I've also used White Light on my chakras a couple of times when I was feeling depressed or having persistent negative thoughts. It works amazingly well! I would love to wear it every single day, but I'm afraid it'd lose its effectiveness if I use it too often.   I visited the BPAL and TAL sites to learn more, and ended up here. Last week I ordered a dozen imps from the Lab that have not yet been shipped. The next day I gave in to temptation and ordered five 5mls from TAL. I screwed up that order (sent payment in Euros instead of dollars). The Lab cancelled my order at my request, but I'm still waiting for PayPal to get their act together and release the money back to me so I can put the order through in the correct currency.   Today I purchased six more imps from a forum member, so soon my single bottle of White Light will multiply into 18 assorted imps and 5 full bottles!   I can't wait for my purchases to arrive. Here's a list of what I'm waiting for. BPALS: Lilith (of course) Helena Succubus Persephone Yggdrasil Lightning   Blood Kiss Dragon's Heart Ephemera Hamadryad La Belle Dame Sans Merci Leanan Sidhe   Love Me Queen High John the Conqueror Fire of Love Block Buster Van Van   And from TAL: Blinding Glory of Love STFU Caliph's Beloved Charisma Bastet's Laughter (and I'll probably go ahead and order Firey Wall of Protection, as well.)   Can't wait until they arrive!





The last seven days have just plain sucked, especially when it comes to BPAL. First I managed to burn out my nose- all my BPALs suddenly smelled like "vague perfume". I totally lost the ability to tell them apart. I went without for two days (well, actually, it was more like a day and a half- I couldn't wait any longer) and that seemed to help.   Now I'm having a different problem...all my scents are turning to soap on drydown. I tried Succubus today and it was one of the few "OMG" scents I've found so far...but within half an hour? Soap. Nothing but f*cking mildly orange-scented soap. I'm so sad.   Maybe it's just because I'm in the "PMS monster" part of my cycle? Could that be it? If not...I guess I'll have to see how Succubus does in a scent locket, because dammit, I want this scent to love me like I love it!



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