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My 4/30 Order

... I still have not heard anything from the lab yet about it, and 5/3 orders are going out. This always happens to me and I get worried that one of the scents I ordered had a component issue like Tokyo Stomp and Poisson did last month. Come on, Lab, get your #$%& together!   Tokyo Stomp was *nasty* on me, I swapped it away for Peony Moon, which I tried in decant form--it is lovely. It should be here soon, along with a bottle of Ventriloquist Dummy I purchased, so these should hold me over until I get my CnS for Tamamo-No-Mae, Gemini 2007, White Rabbit, and Meskhenet.   Mood: Wearing now: Bloody Mary




DPP arrival and how this blog is another way I can procrastinate.

My research paper is due at noon today and I'm almost done.   My Dogs arrived yesterday. I've only gotten a chance to wear Kelly Pool, but I sniffed at all of them in the bottles. Kelly Pool, in the bottle, is the weakest, in my opinion. That's why I wore it to dinner tonight, because I can hardly smell anything in the bottle and I wanted to see what it did on. I think that it's next to undetectable even though I marinated myself in it. It got a little stonger as the night went on, but by the end of dinner, I decided it was not a keeper despite the fact that I rather like the sparkle it has going for it--I passed it off as simply too subtle for me, a scent that would better suit somebody with a more meek personality, perhaps? Though "meek" is certainly not a word I'd use to describe the painting.   But then, as we were walking out of the restaurant, John told me I smelled good. He had put his arm around me so his face was kind of close to my hair. Kelly Pool will need further testing, and I want to see if it gets a bit more pungent with a little aging. I'll set it aside for a few weeks.   *runs off to rescue her footnotes for her research paper*   Mood: Wearing now: Kelly Pool




Wow. Four orders in one month.

Thank you for the kind words in my previous entry. I have been neglectful about updating over the past week due to a massive amount of schoolwork, but I'm back--at least for the time being. I'll talk about my BPAL life now, like I'm supposed to do in this blog.   This month is a record for me. I've placed Four orders:   4/1 Milk Moon 2007 Taurus 2007 Kataniya the Clockwork Woman Mad Sweeney (already swapped it away, I didn't like it--yet I still purchase bottles unsniffed.) Jailbait   4/10 After much agonizing about it, A Royal Flush (I got my CnS for this order on Friday.)   I promised myself this was IT until the end of the month, when I'd possibly place an order for the Monsterbaits--I wanted to wait until a fair amount of reviews came out before choosing which ones to buy. But then Beth concocted 13 and Bad Luck Woman Blues.   4/13 13 Bad Luck Woman Blues Parliament of Monsters Succubus Sacred Whore of Babylon   4/20 Tokyo Stomp Bloody Mary The Candy Butcher Juke Joint Bengal   It wouldn't be SO bad if I didn't throw in items I want from the GC into every order I place. I need to remind myself that they're GC, they're not going anywhere. I promised myself that I'll only place one order next month--I'll limit myself to only one or two LEs that come out and purchase them and NO MORE... Well, maybe White Rabbit.   Mood: Wearing now: Bitter Moon 2006




I don't think I'm cut out for college.

If you really want to read this, bear with me.   I wish we did not have a Spring Break, I'd rather get the year done a week sooner. Just as I get into the groove of going to class, doing work, etc, I stop short and take a week-long break. So when I return to school, I'm still in break-mode. Also, midterms right before Spring Break burn me out. I'm cutting class today because I just can't make myself go, it's too painful and I want it to be over already. Summer vacation is just around the corner, but there's this god-awful hump of papers and exams I need to get over first.   I've always hated school. I hated high school, and college is no different. I didn't want to to go college but my parents forced me to so here I am at NYU, miserable. Before I got here, I put a happy spin on it and thought to myself maybe I'll enjoy it, I'll grow intellectually. But I haven't. I can't grow intellectually when I'm fettered by deadlines, and cramming for exams, and writing papers. I read up a storm anyway, so I don't need classes and assignments to make me think or learn how to think.   Before LBJ and later Reagan (who heightened this mentality), if you wanted to be a journalist, you'd get a job as a copy boy, and you wouldn't become a copy boy for a newspaper or magazine unless you had a genuine interest in jounalism. Or you would write for your small-town local paper and get noticed from there. Nowadays, you become a journalist if you have a degree from Columbia. This is why journalism has been going down the shitter.   If I could do things over, I wouldn't have sat on Life in a Tree and Sunrise in Stalingrad for years and then dismissed them as rubbish I wrote in high school, deciding not to back them up when I got a new computer. I would have pitched them with the help of my father and hoped they landed somewhere. Instead, I'm stuck in hell, desperately wanting to claw my eyes out because any creative flames that were in me are being snuffed out by the drudgery of academia.   College is not for everyone, and it's certainly not for me. I find it positively mind-numbing. School makes me hate learning, it always has.   Sorry that this has nothing to do with BPAL, but it's something I want to get off my chest.   Mood: Wearing now: Doc Constantine




I have a Lab-related question...

First of all, this is a blog for my BPAL-related ramblings. If you want to know about my real life, I have a xanga and an LJ, and both can be accessed through my profile, I believe.   On 4/1 I placed an order for Taurus 2007 (which I doubt will work on me but I'm a Taurus so I had to have it), Milk Moon 2007 (which looked yummy), and some others I've been meaning to pick up: Kataniya the Clockwork Girl, Mad Sweeney, and Jailbait.   I'm seeing that people who placed their orders on 4/2 and 4/3 are getting their CnS notofications in their e-mail. However, I haven't gotten one, and some others who placed their orders on 4/1 and even 3/31 haven't gotten theirs. I've always been under the impression that the Lab brews, packs, and ships in the order that the orders were recieved. So I'm growing pretty concerned over here... I figure I'll look into it if I hear nothing of it by Thursday.   What I'm wearing now: Madame X (Possets) Mood:



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