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filigree_shadow #3 - reviewed and shipped

got filigree_shadow's #3 package from spacekitty today.   contents included: Florence - reviewed Jester - reviewed Kostnice - reviewed Magdalene - reviewed Penitence - reviewed Seance - thanks GC swap - this is beautiful! Thaliea - reviewed   ohh - I think I've only tried one of these - I can't wait to try these!   ETA: dropped off at PO tonight (6-5) to cordia




filigree_shadow #2 - reviewed and shipped

received 6-2-06 from spacekitty.   Akuma - reviewed Baku - already reviewed Eternal - reviewed Grandmother of Ghosts - reviewed The Ghost - reviewed Haunted - already reviewed Roadhouse - reviewed   ETA: Ok, this pack is ready to send to cordia on Monday/Tuesday. If I can I'd like to send 2 packages just to keep them moving and make my way through this avalance of imps.   ETA: dropped off at PO tonight along with f_s 3 to cordia




filigree_shadow package #1 - shipped

received 6-2-06 from spacekitty   Dragon's Bone - reviewed Dragon's Eye - reviewed Dragon's Blood ** Dragon's Hide** Dragon's Tears** Dragon's Musk - reviewed Dragon's Milk - already reviewed   along with this one, I got filigree_shadow's #2 & #3, plus Aryllkin#2. I am OVERFLOWING with imps! wahoo!   ETA: I've either got imps or bottles of all of these, so rather than testing any of these, I dropped this off in the mail to cordia tonight along with the package from spacekitty. But most of them I've only had a quick swipe (except Dragon's Milk - yum! and Dragon's Hide - smokey and sexy) so now I have to test and review them!




Spacekitty #1 - reviewed and shipped

Picked up my first package it the General Catalog swap last night and am testing my first oil tonight.   Contents included: hamptons - reviewed black forest- reviewed jabberwocky - reviewed la petit mort - reviewed mock turtle lessons - reviewed megaera - reviewed psyche - reviewed shango - reviewed   wahoo! I can't wait to try these!   ETA: ok, I've tested these all. I'm awaiting a new tin and then they are ready to send off to cordia. Woot!   6-2-06: ETA, I've sent these off to cordia - the tin that spacekitty used was just fine so there didn't seem to be a need to wait.



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