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Big Bottle List

SN Ambergris All Souls Boo! 2010 Boo! 2009 Boo! 2012 Blue Lollipops Bram Stoker Crowley 2009 Candy Butcher Convocation, The Callidora Candy Coated Apple Moon, Candles 2013 Cake Smash Cthulu in Love Countess Willie Death Rock Doc Constantine Dark Pumpkin Mead Fernris Wolf Capax Infinity Capax Infinity B/U Gluttony Hell boy Hexennacht 2008 Hellcat 2013 Haute Macabre Hope and Fear Set Free Haunted Houses Infernal Lover Fighter 2012 Jack Grand Basin 2013 Ranger 2011 Pale Student of Unhallowed Arts Sea of Glass Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Moroccan Pumpkin Patch Phantom Calliope, The Pumpkin Queen Phoenix Steamworks Kabuki 2013 Splatter Comedy New Years Eve in Dogtown Unveil the Grace in Thine Eyes On Darkness Snakes in the Pumpkin Patch Rose Red 2007 Red Pumpkin Floss Peach I Other Hot Chocolate, The Romanti-Goth Pumpkin V 2009 Sol Invictus Smut 2013 SN Madagascan Vanilla Rum SN Rum Soaked French Tonka Sin in the Pumpkin Patch Werepuppy Moon, Red 2013 Seekim, The Moon, Windy SN East African Patchouli SN White Sage SN Sumatran Red Patchouli SN Olibanum Ooky 2013 Paladin 2013 SN Siberian Musk Moon, Honey Sacrifice Nocturnal Reverie Noctiphobia Noctiphobia B/U Mopfledermaus WILF 13 3/13/2009 Byron v13 2011 Autumn Lace Absinthe and Lace Blue Pumpkin Floss Blue Snowballs Battty Hollywood Babylon Calaveras 2010 Dragons Milk Dragons Musk 2011 Eat Me Sugar Cookie 2011 Light of Men's Lives CT Frankincense 114 Boo! 2009 (b/u) Beaver Moon 2007 Gmilut Chasadim Black Lace 2005 Suck It 2012 Jester Paladin 2012 Misfortune Teller v3 2010 SN French Tobacco Snake Pit Snake Charmer Res Dorian 2010 Womb Furie 2010 Spanish Dance, The Pumpkin Latte Red Pumpkin Floss Smut 2008 Ginger Skulls Kunstkammer Red Lace VILF Mr. Nancy Famine 2012 Monastery in the Mountains Pollution 2012 Glitter Street Festival Snake Pit Temple Viper Snake Oil 2011 Snake Pit Coral Snake I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain Third Charm Mourning Lace CT Vanilla 118 Sentimental Initiation Pomegranate IV Wulric the Wolfman Snake Pit Australian Copperhead Snake Pit King Cobra 2008 Snake Pit Asp Viper Crowley 2012 Cake Smash 2009 WILF B/U Snake Pit Snake Charmer Res B/U SN Madagascan Vanilla Rum B/U Nocturnal Reverie B/U Batty B/U Callidora B/U Phoenix at Midday 13 3/13/2009 Snake Oil 2012 Poisoned Apple v2 Cat, The Bat of Wealth Phoenix, Blood Black Cherry Amaretto Pudding Black Temple Burlesque Troupe 2009 Dark Chocolate Cherry 13 8/13/2010 13 11/13/2009 Medical Procedure CT Vanilla 248 Sprinkle Cake Aziraphale 2012 CT Vanilla 656 Haloes Dorian v3 Metal Rabbit Chaotic v3 Perilous Parlor 2012 CT Snake Oil DCXXIX Shivering Boy 2007 Velvets, The 2012 Pomegranate II Antonio the Carny Talker Gingerbread Poppet Mayan Chocolate with Annatto Seed, Anaheim Pepper, Cinnamon and Vanilla Bean Phoenix, The Anesthesia Orgy, The Snowballs, Yellow White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle Theodosias the Legerdemain Lambs Wool 2009 Warsizone SN Caraway Angry Crab 2013 Phoenix, Fire Moon, Blood Hells Acres Yule Tree Farm The Worm Shall Revive Thee with Kisses Agrat Bat Mahlaht Tea Mason and Jenkins Port Jelly Plastic Plink Flamingos Knecht Ruprecht Splatter Comedy Pomona 2012 Gacela of the Dark Death Feed me and Fill me with Pleasure Lips Full of Love and Laughter Moon, Wolf 2014 Miskatonic University Gingerbread Villain 2014 Shubb-niggurath Daddy 2013 13 2/13/09 Black brighter 2014 Hellfire SN Madagascan vanilla (b/u) Braving the Ice 2013 Nuclear winter 2013 Neutral 2013 Halfling Midnight kiss Samhain 2011 Nocturnal Reverie (b/u) Old Scratch Brimstone Good Nostrum Remedium Fruit of Paradise 2013 SN India Ink Wormwood Field 2013 Hypothermia 2009 Almond Blossom 2013 Apple Blossom 2012 Punky night 2006 Hunger CT Vanilla 19 (frosting) Depraved Go to sleep darlings 2013 Left His Nurse While in a Crowd Dungeon Crawl 2010 Velvet Pink Kitty 2009 Flor de Muerto 2010 Steam-Goth 2011 Cleric Bloodlust Nyarlahotep Capax Infiniti B/U Miskatonic Philharmonic - Totentanz 2013 Phoenix, Baruch's 2013 Shubb-Niggurath B/U 2009 Lillith and the Jaracho Phoenix, Ezekiel's 2013 Phoenix, Hesiod's 2013 Noctiphobia B/U 2013 Holy Water Cheshire Cat 2008 Eldritch Dark 2013 Snowballs, Disco 2013 Black Alice 2013 Dark Crystal - SkekUng the Garthim master Dark Crystal - SkekNa the Slave Master 2023 Village Legend Lives Long 2013 Corrupt Chancellor 2013 Horror Unthinkable and Unstoppable 2013 Dia de Reyes 2013 Knight in Shiny Armor Akuma Miskatonic Philharmonic - Cardas Macabre 2013 Miskatonic Philharmonic - Marche Funebre 2013 Miskatonic Philharmonic - Elegy No. 15. 196 2013 Zoom, The Last of 3 Spirits Incessant Torture of Remorse Jonathan Harker Luna Negra 2013 Thirteen, 12/13/13 Knight in Shiny Armor B/U 2013 VILF B/U Braving the Ice B/U Bow and Crown of Conquest, The Pussy 2011 Dee SN Iranian Galbanum Athens Lunar eclipse Horreur Sympathique Times Infliction of Eternity 2013 Bliss Vice CD Alley of Games v6 Swank Moon, Storm 2005 Pumpkin Latte 2010 Visionary, The 2013 Cockaigne Suck It! 2009 Antikytheria Mechanis Tombstone Dorian (b/u) Mme. Moriarty Halloween: Las Vegas   SN Devil's Trumpet SN Evening Stock Gingerbread Snake Womb Furie 2014 Bonbon, Lust Chocolate Key Lime Truffle Haute Macabre (b/u) Gingerbread Snake Gingerbread Snake (b/u) Yule Cookies Eight Views of a Actors in their Studios Crypt King Memory of Primal Secrets, The   Snake Pit Habu Oberon Mme. Moriarty (b/u) Carnival Diabolique Dionsyia Carnival Diabolique Marianne Lightning (2004? C/B) Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling Thirteen (12/13/13) (b/u) Tanniniver Beaverversery Goliath Birdwing Fragmented Alice Youths Disengagement Fragmented Alice Nevar Fragmented Alice Fragmented Singularity Banshee Beat   #Occupy Wall Street Sachs Corrupt Chancellor (b/u) Bram Stoker (b/u) CT Vanilla 236 (light vanilla with thyme and heliotrope?)   Clockwork Couture: Male Clockwork Couture: Female Moon, Lotus WILF (b/u 2, 1/2) Carnival (Carnival Noir) Sinister Salon, The 2012 SN French Tobacco (b/u) Eat Me (b/u) 2008 Vamp Tears Nero 2004 SN Rum Soaked French Tonka   Fetish.Goth 2011 Atrocious Attic, The Moon, Dragon 2008 Spell of Amorous Love, The Furo 2014 Sweets to the Sweet 2014 Foolish and Vacuous Death Shall Come in with Thee 2014 Bonbon, Deadly Nightshade   SN Golgothan Myrrh Lilith Vs. The Giant Crab Beaver 'Versery (b/u) Nahemoth (10ml) Ivanushka All Souls Snake Pit Australian Copperhead (b/u) Moon, Raven Nevar (b/u) SN Sumatran Red Patchouli (b/u)   Half Elf v5 Boomslang Boomslang (b/u) King of Clubs Flesh Eating Reindeer from Uranus   Blood Kiss Bonbon Tweedledum Bonbon CT Vanilla 411 (chocolate cupcakes) Hecate Lune Noire 2008 Pumpkin III 2009 Pumpkin I 2009 Pumpkin II 2009 Noctiphobia (b/u) Imaginer Calidora (b/u) Dancing Koi Crimson Christmas Thoos   Dove's Heart Halloween: Montreal Somnus 10ml Black Phoenix Laughter of Loki Luperci Ship of Hel, The Managarm's Bloody Jaws Rending of the Rock, The Yule Cookies (b/u) Imp Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat SN Oakmoss   Peninsula Deliriorum Villain Halloween: San Francisco Leopold Freherr Von Tsemekwes   Antique Lace Mötley Bones Trombone Humpback Whale   SN Siberian Musk (b/u) Cuelebre   Womb Furie 2014 b/u Calidora b/u Gingerbread Villain b/u 51 ICD 4 SN Ambergris b/u WILF b/u Snake Oil b/u 2013 Luna Sanguinem Nightmarchers v5 TKO




Switch Witch Help!

Do you have Etsy/Amazon wishlists linked somewhere? (no Etsy yet, I totally should though!) http://amzn.com/w/272332QVPXP6K   Do you have a Tumblr/Pinterest you'd share with everyone (these can be really informative as to style?) Not really...   Style? Well, I'm pretty laid back. I used to be all gothy, but I got old and didn't die and you can't really keep that up without looking like a poseur. I still tend to wear black, gray, or deep red (I'm a super scorpio, very true to the breed.) I wear silver jewelry, a couple rings, my ear is pierced, generally i wear studs. My tragus is pierced (that little thing that sticks out from your head in the middle of your ear) and I have a few other piercings...I wear a silver necklace with a poison vial on it for scent dispersing, and have another locket, but don't wear it as often. It is antiqued silver which is about as far from silver as I go...   Fave Holiday? I love Halloween, nothing is better than that. I'm anti-Valentines day, but take ironic pleasure in being grumpy about it. I do celebrate Lupercalia, since restoring health after the winter is a wonderful thing. I'm kinda a weird agnostic pagan mix so it's kinda a hodge podge up in my world, depending on whose world I have to play in that day.   favorite candles, companies and/or candle scents? I just saw the info about Dark Candles and their scents look amazing, especially Absinth, Clove, Leather, Dark Carnival and Dracula http://www.darkcandles.com/   favorite kinds of tea (flavors, companies) I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHAI. My current fave is Teavanna's Samurai Chai for loose and Twinings Apple Chai for bags. I love black teas, and am looking for a good vanilla. I also like greens and herbals, especially with fruits like cherry or blueberry, not huge on citrus in teas. I like Adagio for tea as well. I don't sweeten my tea or add milk so the flavor matters. I prefer loose to bags, but I like bags for work, so either is great!   any of the Villainess autumn or winter soaps appeal? Another soap company you'd like more? I use Lush Shower Jelly, mainly.   Sweets? I love dark chocolate, the weirder the better. I like stuff with chili's or weird combinations of flavors. I don't eat very much candy due to being strict with myself and my diet, but when I indulge I love it to be tasty!   Fave Foods? I'm all about the salty, which is totally my downfall! I also love fruits and veg, mostly veg, since I burned out my sweet tooth back in my raver days. I love 'different' foods. I'm all about the exciting flavors in things like Indian or Ethiopian food. My favorite style of food is probably French.   What about desires (limited edition or not) from Black Phoenix? Well! Since you asked...there's my wishlist linked in my signature. I'm always looking for new/old atmos, because I lurve them (especially Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Pyre, Snow Bunny and Exotic Bazaar.) I also love the shirts, but have only bought 1 so far, the 13 one, and I'm a size large in the regular T's. Um...yup.   Ereader? I have a kindle, but I have a ton of books (like 2000+).   How do you feel about other perfume etailers? Any you love, hate, are dying to try? How about perfume with alcohol in – do you love all perfumes, do you dislike commercial brands but not mind the inclusion of alcohol if it's a boutiquey or fancy company with unique scents, or are you strictly oils? I mainly enjoy BPAL, I don't have time for other places. I don't mind perfume with alcohol in it, but I don't like most commercial brands, especially for men.   Other than fragrance oils/perfumes what is your number one (or a tie between 2-3) favorite type of toiletry or scenty item? Um...I'd say Lush's shower jelly, because I only have 1 so far (Party On!) and I'd love more.   Describe three things you have decorating your room... Ok, a black and red feathery wreath on the wall, a deep red vase filled with black roses, and pennant hanging from a lamp emblazoned with the word, "Despair!" Hmm...this makes me seem kinda weird...I also have a few lava lamps, a Jack Skellington bowl on top of my DVD player with 2 stuffed black cats in it...well, crap, I guess I do like black. My comforter is a wonderful jewel toned swirly paisley flower pattern...I like accents...   Pirates or ninjas? Pirates all the way!   Zombies – love, hate, obsessed, don't care, think they're coming for us any day now, other immediate/passionate thoughts? Love zombies! Zombie movies, shows, yarn, you name it. They probably are coming any day now.   Bpal oils: Mme Moriarty (I regret selling mine Posted Image) and Badgers (go ahead and laugh), Red Lace, Hollywood Babylon, Crowley, Pumpkin Floss (any), anything with red musk...   Disney Villain? Not a big Disney person, but probably Malificent and the Shadow Man.   Also, would you be interested in made just for you products like hand cream or salves, or.....? Sure!   What would make you smile the most? Honestly, the gift doesn't matter, it's the thought behind it. I know I'm pretty new here, but the sense of community on the forums just makes me squee in delight. This is my first swap (well, I stepped in to be someone's Nightmare when theirs disappeared) but I think just having something to look forward to and being able to share is the best part!   Do you have a Holy Grail BPAL? Something you long for but think you will never see? Antique Lace (gotta get them all!), Mme. Moriarty   Other drink stuff besides coffee and tea?: I don't drink alcohol or coffee.   \How do you feel about hand-crafted goodies? Love them!   Do you collect anything? I collect BPAL (obvs) and I also collect odd stuffed animals. I have a two headed chick (that one is actually taxidermy, but I count it), black cats, an octopus and a scorpion, some Skeleanimals (love them!), a bat, a scorpion, a punk teddy bear with wee Doc. Martins...several crows...   Fandoms: True Blood, Anything by Jim Butcher



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