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Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

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I have to raise my hand here and say thay Crumpet Rebellion does not remind me of Sugar Skull at all. Sugar Skull on me is maple syrup x 1000. So much so, it makes me utterly ill. On me CR is more tart red berries, vanilla, spicy sugar cookie. The berry notes blossoms on me sweeter vs tart in the dry down and a musky sexy aspect crops up too.


Completely agree. Sugar Skull was too sugared and even a little boozy. CR was all delicious oozing red berries baked into a pie with buttery crust.


If I were to make GC comparisons, I would say it's maybe a distant cousin to MB: Closet and Knave of Hearts (the cassia/berry notes) But, IMO a ka-gillion times better. Knave of Hearts smelled something akin to "bacon" on me :P Wonky differances w/ skin chemistry :D


MB: anything isn't a GC :D


Knave of Hearts was close, but there must've been some rose petals that snuck into the pie. Lady Macbeth with Sugar Cookie might be closer. I should try that...

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I have to raise my hand here and say thay Crumpet Rebellion does not remind me of Sugar Skull at all. Sugar Skull on me is maple syrup x 1000. So much so, it makes me utterly ill. On me CR is more tart red berries, vanilla, spicy sugar cookie. The berry notes blossoms on me sweeter vs tart in the dry down and a musky sexy aspect crops up too.


Completely agree. Sugar Skull was too sugared and even a little boozy. CR was all delicious oozing red berries baked into a pie with buttery crust.



Amazing what skin chem can do. Reading the CR reviews, there seem to be two camps. The SS camp, and the berry butter camp. I'm happy I'm in the SS camp (berries just don't do it for me). :P

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I know! It's so weird to read reviews and think, "Really? are we talking about the same fragrance??" :P I'm happy that for whatever reason, we both can wear and love CR. (p.s your icons ROCK!)

Awww, shucks, thanks, love. :D I usually choose the pics and then hubby uses his graphics wizardry to turn them into icons (cuz i'm a photoshop dummy). :D


And so as to not completely hijack....


Not a GC, but I find Leo 07 very much like a non-pumpkin-y Pumpkin Queen, and VERY delicious.

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Pruno struck me as orange Bon Vivant - it's that same silly giggly sparkliness, but just with a different fruit aspect.


(Fortunately, I like Bon Vivant better... hooray for GC scents! :P)

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It's entirely possible that I'm going quite mad, but I slathered on Queen Mab before bed last night and it struck me as similar to Cancer 2007. On me, it's a very similar sweet, watery floral, but with musky sexiness instead of the cloying sweet-pea I got from C'07.

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I slathered on Slobbering Pine this morning in honor of the impending rain and realized it is very similar to Thunder Moon. A touch more pine (duh) but they both have that zesty freshness. I think Slobbering Pine would make an adequate substitute.

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I tried Sugar Cookie with Lady Macbeth in an attempt to mimic CR. Close, though LM reaaaaally wanted to dominate.

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Speaking of Leo 07 - I am MADLY in love with that scent, as well as Red Moon 07. Please, for the sanity of a BPAL newbie, can anyone tell me if there are any GC equivelents for these scents???


Why, oh why, am I going totally nuts for LE scents when there are so many GC scents :P

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Speaking of Leo 07 - I am MADLY in love with that scent, as well as Red Moon 07. Please, for the sanity of a BPAL newbie, can anyone tell me if there are any GC equivelents for these scents???


Why, oh why, am I going totally nuts for LE scents when there are so many GC scents :P

I haven't figured out any GC equivalents for either Leo or Red Moon 07, but think about which notes you like best in them and search the BPAL index for other blends containing those notes. I have found many GC loves almost by accident...usually from lab- or swap-frimps!

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This may not be incredibly helpful, since it involves a recently discontinued scent, but I've discovered that layering Nahemoth with Blood Countess smells almost just like Hellion. In a blindfolded scent test, I could tell they were two different things, but it's very, very similar. I think the main difference is that Hellion has patchouli and the GC ones don't -- which, for me, is a plus (even though the patchouli in Hellion is very well-behaved).


Nahemoth is pure incense (wood, resin, and smoke), so any similar scent would be worth experimenting with. Maybe cathedral? (I haven't tried it, but it's a pure incense.)

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naeelah, I've noticed that Hellion-Nahemoth resemblance too. I have never tried layering anything with Nahemoth, though - that's a good idea! I get a little dark fruit from it myself, so maybe something with a strong patchouli note would be good for me. And of course, now Nahemoth's been discontinued it's surely going to become as scarce as Hellion before too long. :P Luckily, I did buy a bottle of each while they were available, so I will have to do some experimenting and post my discoveries.

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I was testing Cockaigne today, and I think it smells very similar to Sugar Skull '05.

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I like rose scents and have been looking for the 'perfect' one for me. I bought a bottle of Rose Moon and I just love it, but once this bottle is gone I will need something new. I have read some of the reviews of Tarot: the Empress and thought it sounded like it might be similar. Since it's a GC scent I thought I had all the time I needed to think about it. Now it's going to be discontinued and I better grab a bottle if it has a chance of being 'the' rose I am looking for. Has anyone compared the two? Or does anyone have a suggestion for a GC scent that is similar to Rose Moon?



IMO, to my nose, Empress and Rose Moon are very different. Unfortunately I don't have Rose moon, I'm remembering from memory, but it was a sweet rose? Empress is almost all rose (I don't know what kind, but I know it's not tea rose as in London), and there's a slight men's cologne on the drydown (I'm thinking Bergamot, I'm not sure what the note is).

I think a closer similarity to Rose Moon is Hope from CD. Hope is much sweeter but I remember thinking they were very similar.

Just my 2 cents. Happy hunting!


I find that Stardust's Victoria is really similar to Rose Moon - I know it's not strictly GC, but it's something on which you can stock up a bit. Victoria is a little less green and a little sweeter, but they're very close to my nose.

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I like rose scents and have been looking for the 'perfect' one for me. I bought a bottle of Rose Moon and I just love it, but once this bottle is gone I will need something new. I have read some of the reviews of Tarot: the Empress and thought it sounded like it might be similar. Since it's a GC scent I thought I had all the time I needed to think about it. Now it's going to be discontinued and I better grab a bottle if it has a chance of being 'the' rose I am looking for. Has anyone compared the two? Or does anyone have a suggestion for a GC scent that is similar to Rose Moon?



IMO, to my nose, Empress and Rose Moon are very different. Unfortunately I don't have Rose moon, I'm remembering from memory, but it was a sweet rose? Empress is almost all rose (I don't know what kind, but I know it's not tea rose as in London), and there's a slight men's cologne on the drydown (I'm thinking Bergamot, I'm not sure what the note is).

I think a closer similarity to Rose Moon is Hope from CD. Hope is much sweeter but I remember thinking they were very similar.

Just my 2 cents. Happy hunting!


I find that Stardust's Victoria is really similar to Rose Moon - I know it's not strictly GC, but it's something on which you can stock up a bit. Victoria is a little less green and a little sweeter, but they're very close to my nose.


The Gaiman scents are GC, from everything I've read. They often get lumped in with LE's on swaps pages because of the cost, much like the Salons do.

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The Gaiman scents are GC, from everything I've read. They often get lumped in with LE's on swaps pages because of the cost, much like the Salons do.


I think it's more to do with grouping un-impable scents. :P The Gaiman scents are indeed GC, so order to your heart's content!

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naeelah, I've noticed that Hellion-Nahemoth resemblance too. I have never tried layering anything with Nahemoth, though - that's a good idea! I get a little dark fruit from it myself, so maybe something with a strong patchouli note would be good for me. And of course, now Nahemoth's been discontinued it's surely going to become as scarce as Hellion before too long. :P Luckily, I did buy a bottle of each while they were available, so I will have to do some experimenting and post my discoveries.



I've just discovered that I adore Hellion and it is one of the very few that my hubby likes on me. Luckily I've also discovered that Imp is similar on me - less patchouli and less wow from the hubby, but similar.

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What's a good Sugar Skull match besides Gluttony that's not in the Neil stuff? I want something imp-sized.

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What's a good Sugar Skull match besides Gluttony that's not in the Neil stuff? I want something imp-sized.

Your results may vary, but I was recently testing Cockaigne, and it reminded me strongly of sugar skull...

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I'm really going to need a GC equivalent to Bakeneko. Please help.


(Even if you know something similar that's non-BPAL - PM me? Desperate here.)

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I'm really going to need a GC equivalent to Bakeneko. Please help.


(Even if you know something similar that's non-BPAL - PM me? Desperate here.)


Alice with Katharina, perhaps? I haven't tried layering them to reproduce Bakeneko, but Katharina has the orange blossom, and Alice has the lovely spicy tea.


Actually, I should try that if I still have an imp of Katharina lying around...I'll need to mimic Bakeneko eventually too!

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I don't have any advice for you on Bakeneko, wish I did coz that's a fantastic scent, but I just had to post that Singing Moon is a close relative to Shanghai Tunnel. Especially at first, I could barely tell them apart. They dry different (but similar). They're both LEs but one is a lot harder to get than the other.

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Anyone have good recs for a GC sub for July's 13? I never thought I'd like a chocolate/sweet perfume but I adore it and want more!!! I know of Velvet, Candy Butcher and Bliss as chocolate scents but don't know which would be the best choice for that fruity-spicy chocolate.

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Anyone have good recs for a GC sub for July's 13? I never thought I'd like a chocolate/sweet perfume but I adore it and want more!!! I know of Velvet, Candy Butcher and Bliss as chocolate scents but don't know which would be the best choice for that fruity-spicy chocolate.


I can't think of anything in the GC that would smell like the 13s. In the most recent one, there's the chocolate note, an herbal quality, and the tropical fruit quality. So I think you'd need to layer at least 2 scents to achieve a similar smell, but I think you'll have a hard time getting a close match. The only way to tell will be to collect imps and play around.


The chocolate in 13 isn't so dark and bittersweet, so maybe Bliss would be a good starting point. Candy Butcher has the cream note, though, which might be good. The reviews mention March Hare a lot, so I think that's a good candidate for layering. It'll give you the sweet fruit and spice quality. On my skin, I get a strong floral/bark/herbal quality amongst the cocoa and fruit, and I'm not sure what to recommend for that. I know orchid is one of the notes in 13. Perhaps Phantom Queen or Regan?

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