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The High Priestess, the Santa Muerte Tarot, and a Little Lunacy

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Before we lose you for the weekend, a handful of updates!

First off, The Fool’s Journey continues into uncertain territory with THE HIGH PRIESTESS, a set of eleven scents reveling in various aspects of the tarot deck’s second trump card.

Speaking of the cards, we have collaborated with Fabio Listrani on a divination blend specifically attuned to his Santa Muerte Tarot, published last fall by Lo Scarabeo.

The result is ADVICE OF THE DEAD:

“Wisdom dispensed from beyond the grave: black copal, golden chrysanthemums, myrrh, worm-slick soil, and gilded marigolds.”

Last but not least, this month’s Lunacy blend lights up the atmosphere just like its namesake (if you happen to be on Saturn).

Here’s ANTHE: “Blueberry and tangerine for the bright plunage of the kingfisher, limned with frozen flower petals.”

Have an excellent holiday! May the Priestess provide one and all with the wisdom and clarity that remain elusive in the world around us.

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