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Eleven Pipers Piping Hair Gloss

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Piping out drooping phantoms of kumquat, lime rind, icy lemon peel, and green-white musk.

This is a very fun lemon scent. It's kind of like lemonhead candies if you're familiar with those. There is a bit of bitterness that I'm used to in lime rinds. It's more of a bite compared to the sweet tartness of the lemon. I don't get much musk while wearing, but I do get it in the bottle. It lasts all day, and then some, which is nice. I'd actually pin this more as a summery scent because it's so lively. Almost like carbonated lemonade. Lovely!

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Very reminiscent of Lemon Scented Sticky Bat with maybe a touch of lime. Not getting musk but the citrusy, fruity scent is vibrant and lasting and sells the same on my hair as it does in the bottle. I agree with the review above that this is a very summery scent. Really love this one! I can't stop shaking my head around to get another whiff!

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Smells downright carbonated wet on the hair, like 7-Up, then dries down quickly to pure sweet-tart fruit---almost syrupy rather than bubbly, but the tartness keeps it from smelling too dense and cloying. The musk seems to waft and linger, so it's less noticeable in my hair than when I reenter a room I just left and get a soft hint of 51. After 12 hours, the scent is still strong, but the fruit has mellowed a bit so the musk has more room to play. Fun, festive scent that makes me think of (non-alcoholic) punch at a holiday gathering.

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In the decant: A blast of juicy kumquat! I can smell the lemon and lime in the background, but the kumquat is the strongest note.


In my hair, I get a ton of fizzy citrus! It smells like candied lemon and lime rind in my hair, but I also get the juicy kumquat. As the scent sits in my hair, the juicy kumquat becomes the dominant note, with a kick of effervescence from the lemon and lime.


The scent is delightfully citrusy! It sticks around for a few hours when applied to wet hair and lasts throughout the day when applied to dry hair (although it is rather faint by the end of the day, being a citrus scent).


I'm definitely going to keep my decant, and I may end up upgrading to a full bottle before the Yules come down to fill the citrus void in my hair gloss collection (because my beloved Lightning Storm HG is almost gone, and I am now rationing what is left of its yuzu/grapefruit/lime glory).

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