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BPAL Madness!

A Robber's Castle Atmosphere Spray

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Smoke and gunpowder, leather and blackened daggers coated in a mixture of pitch and coal.

The fact that there is no reviews from all of you BPAL leather lovers is criminal to me. This smells like a luxurious black leather, with enough of a chrome note and a touch of coal to keep it from being one dimensional. This smells like the aforementioned black leather coat that bad boy boyfriend that your parents are always warning you about - smoky, leathery, dangerous but 100% male. Sexy, masculine.

All of my black leather lovers out there, holla at this one. Thank me later.

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Very smoky leather, but no chemical sharpness. Some coal, that almost-but-not-quite pushes into bbq territory. Overall quite intriguing!

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