suki Report post Posted April 24, 2017 This is a warm, Earth-based prosperity blend, utilized not just for financial growth and money attraction, but also for stability, security, and material / physical safety. It is an oil that solidifies the roof over your head and the ground beneath your feet while increasing your sense of protection and well-being. This oil can be used to dress candles, conjure bags, money boxes, and talismans, and can be utilized in baths and floorwashes. Twilight Alchemy Labs Prosperity Oil contains essential oils, absolutes, and CO2 extracts that are organically-grown and pesticide-free, and many of the oils components are first distillations from small farms. This oil was charged over four full lunations with prosperity-activated lapis stones, and includes cedar oil, chips, and leaf from the TAL garden, oakmoss and oakmoss absolute, extract of carnation, fumitory, pinon pine resin, Irish moss, Canadian white pine essential oil, and steam-distilled Indonesian patchouli. In The Bottle: Very woodsy, like being in a deep, rich, mossy pine forest. I don't go for pine scents to wear casually, but this seems VERY appropriate for a magickal working prosperity blend. Wet On Skin: The pine mellow, slightly, and the sweeter aspects of it start to emerge, helped along by the patchouli and carnation, no doubt. Dry Down: Same. Still mostly pine-heavy, but with a chorus of the above-mentioned in the mix. On the more woo-woo aspect, I definitely feel this resonating with my 1st and second chakras. Nice and rooty and earthy, this oil is one I will definitely anoint candles and dollar bills with for those aspects but I can see using this for more grounding-type stuff too. This is an oil to associate with the tarot's suit of Pentacles, in all its various guises. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zankoku_zen Report post Posted April 24, 2017 Prosperity reminds me alot to Silva. There's a lot of earth energy in there, and you get this woodsy, piney, patchouli like blend. It smells dark and root, and very grounding. I used this with a bit of Tyche's Kiss, and focused on financial growth. I get the feeling that Prosperity, like Silva, is about the long-game and not so much about the immediate returns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites