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BPAL Madness!
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A public service announcement from Your Faithful Narrator. <3

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At Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, we have never shied away from our civic duty, and since the inception of the company, we have made it a point to do everything within our power to support organizations that provide emergency aid and disaster relief, support environmental and conservation causes, help the homeless, protect civil liberties and reproductive rights, and offer succor to the LGBTQ community and marginalized ethnic, racial, and minority religious groups. Some may view this as a political position – and perhaps in some ways it certainly could be construed as such – but we perceive this as non-partisan citizenship and civic engagement; it is our way of helping to protect and provide for our communities, and we feel it is our obligation as human beings to help those who may not be empowered to help themselves.

Even though we have been creating fundraiser scents since at least 2004, our most recent contributions seem to be reaping a particular ire. I understand that we currently live in a hyperpartisan country (world?) and that so much seems split by those divisions, but I’d like to ask that our beloved clients understand that we see our work to support these organizations - the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the SPLC, the Trevor Project, the CBLDF, RAINN, the UN Refugee Agency, Doctors Without Borders, the National Center for Transgender Equality – as a basic act of decency, and not something that can be constrained by party lines.

It grieves me that our activism may offend you, but even if you come to loathe us, I promise you that we will still fight for your civil rights and reproductive freedom. Even if you hate us, we will still work to preserve your safety and security in any way we can. We’re here for you. We’ll stand with you. We’ll fight for you.

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