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Gingerbread, Red Patchouli, Orange Peel, and Champaca Flower

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I’ve run away from a little old woman,
A little old man,
A barn full of threshers,
A field full of mowers,
And I can run away from you, I can!

In The Bottle: A little bit of champa, some orange and the lighter red patchouli.

Wet On Skin: This is like a sister to Ravenous, one of my all-time favorite GCs. It's basically becoming Ravenous with some light champa incense burning in the background. I get no gingerbread at this point.

Dry Down: Okay, the gingerbread is peeking through juuuuuuuust a teeny, tiny bit.

In All: A bright, citrus scent with depth, so that it can hold its own through the cold months, this isn't the sugary orange of Kingdom Of Sweets. This is the flirty Ravenous orange/patch combo with champa and itty bitty ginger tossed in for good measure. I like it! It's a great counter-balance to this year's Gingerbread, Vetiver and Black Clove. (I might try layering them and see what happens!)

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Wow ... amazed that there have been so few responses to this one!


In the bottle: The closest thing I've sniffed to my precious beloved Top 3 ever scents, Shuuuuuuuub!


I've tried many of the gingerbread blends since then and they've never really worked for me because they were, on my body, a little too "cakey" and not "gingery" enough but I keep trying because I loves me my gingerbread scent. Of the "cotillion" choices, I thought this one could be "it" because I love a good patchouli mix and ADORE champaca flower ... my only concern was whether the orange would overpower everything else.


Upon application: I just love this. It's the perfect blend of my precious not-too-cakey Shub, with that sharp resiny edge that I adore from the patchouli and then the champaca rounding things off into the best incense ever. I'm getting very little if any of the orange other than a tiny citrus peel "kick" at the very end of the sniff.


Drydown is very true to the scent from sniff to wet to dry. I can't stop huffing myself. The orange rises a little more in the moister spots (crook of my arm rather than inside of wrist, for instance) but it's one of the very few blends where I really love the orange instead of being turned off by it ... kind of like the Christmas scent of grated peel in the baked goods or peel in the mulled glogg.


This is just a fantastic scent. And it would make a FANTASTIC bath line (just sayin') ... I bought enough imps in my decant circle to have about 80% of a bottle but bought a full bottle from the Lab as well just to be safe. Don't want to run out of this precious!


ETA the next morning: Just wanted to add that this has SUPER strong long-lasting throw, especially in the crook of my arm. And the final drydown on me ended up being much more orange than gingerbread. I still love this but am going to have to remember to amp down the amount I apply and where I apply it in certain circumstances.

ETAA: My new plan: Buy up some unscented bubble bath and unscented lotion (Aveeno makes both) and make myself bottles of this in lotion and bath treats!

Edited by JazzieCazzie

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On the wand, I smell a mild-mannered, grainy gingerbread, and a blended sense of the other notes.


But on my skin, this is whoa gingerbread. It’s still damply grainy-textured in the nose. Behind it I get orange, and a little red patchouli and champaca.


Somehow the gingerbread gets even stronger as this dries. The orange subsides and champaca blooms. I’m a champaca fiend, so I like this development, but I feel like the gingerbread damply cakes up in my nose when I smell it.


This one isn't for me, but I'm also not a foodie scent lover. Wanted to try some, though.

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Gingerbread, patchouli and a touch of orange zest. This one is a "dirtier" Gingerbread version. Grittier. Slightly more masculine. Good throw and wear length.

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Sour, bitter orange and a hint of earthiness from the patchouli, mixed with lots of cinnamon-y gingerbread note.

I don't like how strong the cinnamon/spice is, and the orange is a bit too sharp for my tastes, but my skin tends to amp up spice notes.
Kind of an orange pomander feel.

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I agree that Gingerbread, Red Patchouli, Orange Peel, and Champaca Flower bears a resemblance to Shub. I get equal parts gingerbread, orange and red patch...trailed by an incensey floral note. It's not sweet; it leans more to savory. I really like this, especially the drydown when it turns into a ginger, orange, and patch skin scent that sort of hovers around me.

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