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BPAL Madness!

The Unquiet Grave Claw Polish

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An unearthly oil-slick holographic polish with dark and spectral multichrome elements.

Origin: Straight from the Post

Initial Thoughts: In the photo it looked like it might be the closest to another indie nail polish that I found on Etsy: black with rainbow glitter.

In the Bottle: A gorgeous prism of colors shimmering in black.

One coat: A very pale opaque black with neat pastel glitter. I'm digging the pinks and pale blues and pale greens.


Two coats: Now it's dark - a slightly purple-black - and smooth and the glitter is more of a full rainbow. The picture seems to only show a silvery glitter - it's definitely a full spectrum as the description says.

Verdict: I'm gonna need another bottle or two of this one. THIS is the kind of black nail polish I adore.

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