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Chaos Theory VII: Animalic

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Accords of castoreum, ambergris, and civet! Leathers and musks ahoy!

Animalic 1: HOT DAMN! It is the brown leather from Hunter with musk. I adore this!!! :joy:

Animalic 2: Civet and something clean with musk. Not sure on this one yet. But it is interesting. I love Chaos Theories!!!!

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6/24/15- per an email from the lab, this is bottle #8!**


I bought one hoping for no leather, but that's what I got - all leather and musk to my nose, even after all these yrs not great at notes, esp. leathers bc I don't care for them. Not me, will need to put up for swaps.


ETA with more dry down the leather goes away and left with brown (not red to my nose) musk it seems.

Edited by violetblue

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I have sniffed and tested the following Animalic numbers: # 19 # 20, # 21, # 22, # 24, # 25, # 26, # 28, # 29, # 30


They correspond (in some order) to these reviews:

A1 - Musk with castoreum (I think), amber, something bubbly and resinous like gum and styrax... reminds me of an oily earthy incense that gives off some sweetness, there is another note that reminds me of juniper and mallow

A2 - Sweet and animalic, not foody, civet with what I think is heliotrope, maybe a hint of red tea, sweetness fades a bit as it dries

A3 - Civet, cedar, red patchouli, frankincense, hint of musk

A4 - Sweet floral incense, castoreum, white amber, white musk, champagne

A5 - Verbena, amber musk

A6 - Black musk, something mildly indolic, sweetgrass

A7 - Lavender, peppermint, possibly castoreum, brown musk, slightly sweet, rooty mint

A8 - Herbal, boiled leather, possibly tomato leaf

A9 - Clove, brown musk, powdered tobacco

A10 - Slightly sweet, possibly ambergris, sweet spice, amber incense

Edited by Bluestblood

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Weird one.

Bottle 40.


Very hard to discern. Smells green and astringent, like flower stems, in the bottle with something perfumey, a floral Either dandelion or honeysuckle. Herbal.

I'm not sure what animalistic base was used. I'm not getting any leathers or strong musks popping out at me. Boo.

Still, it's actually quite pretty on the dry down. Feminine, green, perfumey, light and clean. It reminds me almost of dryer sheets but not in a bad way. Not chemically.

I'll probably give this to my sister. I can't stop smelling it even though it's not for me in any way.

I really hated it at first and was dissatisfied with my blends but they've grown on me quickly, just not what I expected.

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This is gorgeous, and so super familiar that it was driving me crazy. Definitely red musk, very distinctive and the oil is dark red. Some sweetness, vanilla? A hint of soft leather? So I went through some of my red musk blends to see if I could figure it out.


Anteros. It is softer, sweeter, not as "sharp" - but trying them side by side there is an unmistakable similarity. Especially after drydown. I think there is a touch more vanilla, and I still get a tiny bit of leather in the background - but I think the saffron & bergamot are present.

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According to the email I received, my bottles are #14 & #15. No idea which is which, so I've randomly assigned them.


So far, I've only tested #14, and that was due to a labeling error on my part - I'd mixed up the label I put on the top of the bottle with one of the Orientals. That's what I get for not paying more attention!


#14: Not sure what I get in the bottle, but it turns into way strong, men's soap on me. Whatever is in it, I amp, and not in a good way. Possibly violet? Because that's the only thing I can think of that punches me in the face like that. I only applied to my left wrist, with a toothpick, and OMG. I had to wash it off. Instant trade pile.

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Had a hard time picking out the notes in this.

It smells warm, fuzzy, and dirty at the base but the top note seems to be something slightly citrusy but not a fruity citrus.

During the dry down, at different times, I thought I could smell red and brown musk. Once dry the musks mingle together and I get a dark, dirty type musk. Now as I'm sniffing this once more during this review I smell Vetiver. Its faint but there. I'm also getting what a swear is Suede.

That's all find and good and smells great but that splash of citrus on top is driving me nuts. Is it lemongrass? If it wasn't for that cloying citrus I'd be totally on board with this scent. I'm on the fence right now but maybe with a bit of aging this scent will improve.

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Alright, I have never written a review in my several years of BPAL-ing, so here goes nothing...


My Animalic is #90. This is a fresh-out-of-the-mailbox impression, I'll edit and add more if I notice significant changes or nuances.


This is kind of like "Streets of Smokestack" (the GC Smokestack plus the OLLA Streets of Detroit), or sort of like a slightly soapier and less sweet Streets of Detroit plus a rubbery note. I do kinda like it but it might be a little funky for actual wear. The oil is super dark and the bottle is super-full. I think I'm going to see if my husband wants it, because he liked Streets of Detroit but thought it was over-sweet (which is fine, more for me!).


*EDIT* So luckily my husband likes this and it also smells way better on him than it does on me. On him, I can identify that this definitely has red musk in it. It's great stuff, it just works better with his skin chemistry than it does mine. :smilenod:

Edited by neptuneanblues

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This is bottle #45. The oil is clean with a slight yellow tinge and full to the neck.


There is definitely some coconut meat or shell in this - a lot of it. It gives it a creamy tone to it. Some brown musk and maybe some orris. It's soft and brown and cozy. Smells like there might be a bit of leather in here too.


Not my favorite CT, but it's really nice and well blended for sure.

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Animalic number 86


Okay....I can't identify exactly what's in this. But I have some guesses. (and I like it)


The top note for about 5-10 minutes is almost pure cardamom. But that doesn't last long - the cardamom fades into the background pretty quickly.


After it dries, there is almost certainly either white or black musk, or maybe both. There is something else in here - some kind of sweetness but beyond that I can't tell what it is. This scent is mostly musk and something a little sweet. It's a cool sweetness, almost like an herbal musky scent. Cool and grey, I think.


I also thought I smelled a bit of leather, something grassy, maybe a little citrus? My boyfriend smelled leather and triaminic (cough syrup). After he said that, I thought maybe I could smell some grape or wine. Power of suggestion? Maybe.


It smells like it's related to some other bpals. I am reminded of Hunter Moon (the newer one), Nyarlathotep (without the strong citrus), and possibly Dorian, as strange as that sounds. It's the musk, this is very musky which is good news for me. Just what I was hoping for!

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In the imp, smells like Siberian musk. I compared it to my SN, and they're very similar. Within the first minute, there's a burst of root beer fizziness (as compared to gin/champagne fizz). What came to mind next was bubblegum, but more of the texture than the exact smell. "Fluff" was closer, like Velvet Unicorn, but without the blast of pink. There was a brief moment of more of a vanilla feel, then it was a very soft Siberian musk for the next hour. Very little throw, esp. considering I use just a dot of the SN. After about an hour, the sweet non-foody depth poked its head out a little more.

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bright red cherry candy on neon lime green leather. that's what comes to mind when I sniff this. very sleek and slick and smooth and glossy. almost sleazy in an 80s music video way. (big hair and shoulder pads come to mind when I sniff this as well)


this is big and loud and lasts forever. I haven't worn it much, but I do have an attachment to this little weirdo.

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96 - a light colored oil. went soapy on me (a skin chemistry thing), there's maybe some wet/yellow leather underneath, but when things go soapy on me I know I'm not smelling the rest right


97 - a dark colored oil. a musk (red?) and resins. not sure exactly, but I like it (and got complemented on it day 1)


103 - omg yummy brown/dark leather. I need more

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I got a decant from bottle #78 from a decant circle. This is the first scent I've ever tried that I really think smells like an animal!


It's got a soft fuzzy brown musk- very hard to explain. When I sniff it, it is so reminiscent of a freshly washed dog, or even being near a horse. You smell the fur and that unexplainable "animal" smell.


It sounds weird, but it's not a bad smell at all.


I wouldn't put this on to feel pretty, but as an animal lover, this instantly gives a warm fuzzy feeling like being near a beloved pet or that happy comforting feeling of being near animals.


Such a cool scent. Glad I have a decant :)

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