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Scent ideas for Sheik (Legend of Zelda)?

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Did a search and no one seemed to have inquired about this one before so I'll go ahead and put it out there.


I'll be doing a Sheik cosplay (from Legend of Zelda) for a few conventions next year and think it would be cool if I could find a scent to go with it as well. One obvious one I thought of was Rogue, but wanted to see if there were any other good ideas floating around out there, as I haven't had the chance to sample all that many BPAL scents in all. Not opposed to layering/combining either! Though for me I'd like to limit it to ones that are at least reasonably find-able and not super-rare.


Thanks for any recs!

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Hmm, I don't really imagine her smelling like Rogue. It's too heavy and modern to me - plus it doesn't have that touch of mystery and magic that Sheik evokes.


Maybe something like Mage (Gurjum balsam, Sumatran dragon's blood resin, olibanum, galangal, oleo gum resin, and frankincense) and Good (Shimmering celestial musk with vanilla, white honey, acacia, and sugar cane). Others for consideration:


Sea of Glass - A scent of inimitable purity, crystalline grace, and limitless light.

Mouse's Long and Sad Tale - Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood.

The East - Bluebonnet, passion flower, freesia, jasmine tea, mint, thyme, and redcurrant.

Tristran - Redwood, tonka bean, white sandalwood, lemon peel, patchouli, rosewood, coriander, and crushed mint.

Heroine - Nepalese amber, East African patchouli, dark musk, apple blossom, petitgrain, aged leather, skin musk, and rhubarb.

Aelopile - Glowing amber and citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, and oud.


All of these are bright and somewhat airy to me, yet strong. They're enticing but hard to pin down. To me I think her scent should evoke adventure, light, energy and mystique.

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Interesting, I hadn't even considered that! It does make more sense to explore the "adventure and mystique" aspect of her character more, as well as the magical. I'll have to look more into some of these scents. Mage looks especially promising, as does Heroine, to me - both seem to fit with my idea of the shadow folk. Thanks for the reply!

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Sure thing! I know the Sheikah are sort of supposed to be ninja-y, but I feel like since it's

actually Zelda

there should be some brightness in there... hope your cosplay goes well! Nice choice by the way. :)

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