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BPAL Madness!

Eat Me Atmosphere Spray

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Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants.

This smells exactly like the perfume, which is to say ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY DELECTABLE. I adore Eat Me - it's the only foodie scent I am ever happy to wear, and now my whole house smells like it.

Luscious, delicious vanilla cake, balanced perfectly by the red current so it doesn't veer off into nausea-producing sweetness. It does not smell like butter or sugar, it smells like the sum of its parts: rich, gourmand cake. Not frosting....just cake. This atmo spray lasts and lasts; after one spritz, I could still smell it very distnctly several hours later. Warning: after a while, you will start raiding the cupboard for yummy things to consume.


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Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants.


This smells exactly like the perfume, which is to say ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY DELECTABLE. I adore Eat Me - it's the only foodie scent I am ever happy to wear, and now my whole house smells like it.


Luscious, delicious vanilla cake, balanced perfectly by the red current so it doesn't veer off into nausea-producing sweetness. It does not smell like butter or sugar, it smells like the sum of its parts: rich, gourmand cake. Not frosting....just cake. This atmo spray lastsTHIS.. and lasts; after one spritz, I could still smell it very distnctly several hours later. Warning: after a while, you will start raiding the cupboard for yummy things to consume.




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I love this. It's exactly like Eat Me perfume, so if you want your home and linens to smell like the most delicious vanilla cake with a hint of fruit, you will get exactly that. Smells so nommy.

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The perfume doesn't always work on my skin but as an atmo it's simply amazing. It's just a perfect cakey goodness :wub3:

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I'm a fan of this, but I've always been a little overwhelmed by Eat Me unless used sparingly. For me, it works best when used with another atmo to temper the richness a little.

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I didn't care for this much..I have never been a fan of the perfume either but just thought it was due to skin chemistry and now my tastes have changed..but nope still don't like it. Very dry white cake, and tart currant. Average staying power.

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This is the quintessential BPAL cake blend (and honestly, how fabulous is it that its a GC!) but I'm more in line with asterope. Eat Me as a perfume never worked for me because it ended up too buttery. Eat Me atmo isn't buttery - its straight up white cake with a touch of currant and vanilla.


Very foodie, very tasty, perhaps too tasty? I'm not a huge foodie fan, and when I do like foodie elements, I like them to be balanced with other types of notes. So, just because I'm not declaring my undying love, that doesn't change that this is a great atmosphere spray.

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