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The Rending of the Rock

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Doom unfettered, the ruin of hope: the tattered remains of Gelgja, smashed stone, feral grey musk, and blackened blood.

This is a very strong, vetiveraceous rocky scent.

The blood note is quite strong in this as a sour, metallic tinge over granite pebbles. There is a little musk but this isn't a sweet, singing one, but more of a thrummy, deeper one giving this a little bit more complexity than just ash and stone. It's extremely evocative and again, very granite-y rocky. Not like Black Opal rock shimmer, sadly, more like... um, gritty, husky pulverized rock.

It's really not my style of scent, but if you go for the quirky and striking, this is definitely worth a try.

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Man, the blood notes in the Ragnarok blends are playing really nicely. I can barely pick them out, if at all. It went AWOL here.


This is quite a companionable stone. It smells like musk and grassy vetiver. As much as I love vetiver I’d rather just have the SN versus this, since I think the musk actually softens it a bit.


Definitely not sweet, but not intimidating either. I think this would be nice on a guy, or even as a business scent for a woman. It smells weirdly professional. Like, I could imagine a nice office smelling like this. It’s clean and plain but comfortable.

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placaphobia without graveyard dirt. that's what this smells like on me.


it's absolutely gorgeous. I don't smell vetiver, but I'd place a small wager on a moss note being present.

but the whole thing smells of clean smooth stone. cold mossy rock. a little blood, dried.


I missed out on placaphobia and all sadness and regret are washed away because I like this just as much.

Edited by annemathematics

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Furry musk and (I'd guess) myrrh and mild vetiver, a bit of moss and the cologney version of 'stone.' I think I might even detect a tiny bit of leather in there.

Edited by MCS4096

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In the imp: Sour with a bit of rocky incense. I get the vetiver everyone's talking about.


Wet on skin: Oh yeah, vetiver, almost purely, sharp and sour, like it almost always goes on my skin.


Dried down: Softer, but still pretty much the vetiver on me. Well, actually, there's something else, too, but I can't tell what. Like a flower trying to poke its way through. No, not floral - it must be the grey musk. It's similar to the grey musk scent I got from Kneel Down, Fair Love, and Fill Thyself with Tears. Very pretty, but darkened by too much of the vetiver here.


Throw: Not much, unless I get about an inch or two from my skin.


Verdict: ** It's wearable, but way too much vetiver for me.

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In bottle: This is beautifully well designed. The blackened blood, stone, and musk go together beautifully. The charred blood is dominant, but the musk and stone give very well-designed support. Wet: Surprisingly sweet and vaguely… orange? I think I’m misparsing the blackened blood, turning some tangy element of the accord into something it isn’t. You really need to love blackened blood to where this because of the throw and dominence. The musk is second, the stone a very weak third. Dry: I think I love feral grey musk. This is deliciously sexy now.

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In the decant: Stone, blood, and what must be the grey musk.


Wet: Much as on cold sniff, but the three notes are starting to meld. Stone the most dominant note, though.


The dry-down: Musky stone, but in a pale way (that's the combination of the stone and the grey musk). There's a faint hint of the sweetness of the blood, no metallic tang like iron. I like this, but it's very much a skin scent, even though I slathered, and it's not something that I would wear that much. I'll keep the decant, but something like this in a room spray could be rather awesome. :)

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ITB: Oh hello, Vetiver, glad we get along because that's all this smells like.


Wet: Still getting vetiver and pretty much nothing else. Maybe there's a hint of green hanging about. The musk shines through after a while, and this really smells like that time I put my Haitan vetiver SN and Siberian Musk SN together.


Drying: This feels a little more like stone now, with a sharpness adding a more complex undertone to the scent. There is a mineral feel that could be the dried blood, but it's not an overwhelmingly bloody feeling scent.


Dry: Blood is much clearer now, and comes across as a wee bit multi-vitamin scented. It's very much a secondary player to the musk and vetiver though, and the tiny bit of extra sharpness I don't like is very likely to age away. This is another I'll be holding onto for some aging before making a final call.

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Stone, blood and musk.


This smells... powerful. It's raw, smoky, and very masculine in the way a smoky, volcano landscape is masculine.


So if you want to smell like a volcano, there you go.

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This one is perfumey and herbal, not too sweet. It's actually pretty bad on me, like cologne gone bad in the sun. :(

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In the imp: Nope. Stone with something unpleasant phlegminess, eww.

Wet: The same, but worse.

Dry: OK, that hideous phlegm-like smell has gone. It smells like blood, clay and musk and it's actually much nicer than the imp/wet test was, but still not one for me.

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