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Corvus Corax

Scents similar to Makhanitis and Prospero

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I am in love with Makhanitis and Prospero. :wub2:


The plum and wine notes make me swoon. I must have more BPAL oils that are similar to Makhanitis and Prospero.


Any suggestions?



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I am in love with Makhanitis and Prospero. :wub2:


The plum and wine notes make me swoon. I must have more BPAL oils that are similar to Makhanitis and Prospero.


Any suggestions?




Those scents are two of my favorites. The one I found to be the closest to Makhanitis, if you like patchouli, is Urd, in the Excolo line of the GC: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa. Urd is more headshoppy than Makhanitis, but I find the wine note very similar.


Also, if you don't mind some chocolate, another one I really like is Centzon Totochtin , also a GC in Excolo: The Four Hundred divine rabbits of the Aztec pantheon that preside over parties and drunkenness. Bittersweet Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, and a scent redolent of sacrificial blood.


And another good wine scent is the LE The Zadok Allen Vineyard, which was a Lupercalia scent, but decants show up for sale on the forums fairly often. A deep velvety Cabernet Sauvignon with hints of plum, black cherry, rose petals, coffee bean, and smoky oak. Barrel and bottle aged, with a smooth and spicy hit mid-palate. Hints of Dagon's tarry black incense and clotted blood complete this well-rounded, robust indulgence.

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I am in love with Makhanitis and Prospero. :wub2:


The plum and wine notes make me swoon. I must have more BPAL oils that are similar to Makhanitis and Prospero.


Any suggestions?




Those scents are two of my favorites. The one I found to be the closest to Makhanitis, if you like patchouli, is Urd, in the Excolo line of the GC: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa. Urd is more headshoppy than Makhanitis, but I find the wine note very similar.


Also, if you don't mind some chocolate, another one I really like is Centzon Totochtin , also a GC in Excolo: The Four Hundred divine rabbits of the Aztec pantheon that preside over parties and drunkenness. Bittersweet Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, and a scent redolent of sacrificial blood.


And another good wine scent is the LE The Zadok Allen Vineyard, which was a Lupercalia scent, but decants show up for sale on the forums fairly often. A deep velvety Cabernet Sauvignon with hints of plum, black cherry, rose petals, coffee bean, and smoky oak. Barrel and bottle aged, with a smooth and spicy hit mid-palate. Hints of Dagon's tarry black incense and clotted blood complete this well-rounded, robust indulgence.



You and I are definitely scent sisters! :wub2:


I love Urd and Centzon Totochtin. I have not had the chance to try The Zadok Allen Vineyard, but would love to give it a try.


Thank you for your suggestions!

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I don't like wine, but love plum.


Berry Moon 2011 gave off a whiff of berries before going all boozy on me, but it may work for you!


On the other hand, Countess Willie was a perfect balance of amaretto and plum musk (and spices), and is one of my favourite scents.


I haven't tried Bette Noir, it only has plum and no wine, but it may work too.

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Athens might be a go for you. It's crazy red wine and cooking herbs on me. It woudl definitely work well on the right person.

Also Cockaigne if you're after cake and wine. :)

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