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Black pine pitch, oakmoss, Spanish moss, myrrh, and violet leaf.

At first sniff, I can smell a powdery myrhh, and there is a "greenish" scent to this from the mosses. The pine pitch isn't as dark as it often is, and the violet leaf gives a soft sweetness. OK, so basically a soft, powdery mossy scent with only the barest hint of floral. This is very pretty, and not my usual kind of scent. I don't need a bottle, but am happy for my decant.

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Quite a bit of pine pitch upon application, but it fades out quite quickly. I agree with the above review that this is a soft mossy blend. I think it's very very similar, upon dry down, to Cykranoshian Catnip. That blend lacks the pine pitch but if you're like me and that note doesnt amp in this blend, you'll probably find the two similar as well.

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Pine pitch. PIIIINNNE PIIIIITCH. But don't worry, this isn't a Pine Sol pine tree scent. Neither is it derived from a tame Christmas tree such as you might find at a farm. Nor is it a pretty little thing that gets coated with sparkling icicles and snow like sugar. No, this is what you get when you journey to the heart of the deepest darkest old growth forest to do battle with a moss bearded behemoth, a monster who devours lumberjacks whole, and you rip out its sweet black resinous heart wherein dwells a thousand winters. If, after nestling the tree's pitchy heart in a box full of moss, you built a cozy little chapel in the middle of the forest to house the dark tree heart and then randomly scattered EVEN MORE MOSS around you'd have a pretty good approximation of what this smells like. I don't know, something about this scent just says "dark, cozy little chapel in the woods" to me.



Translation for those not fluent in nonsense: Resins, moss, a bit smoky smelling and edging towards cologne. The pine pitch becomes far less SERIOUS DEEP PITCH on drydown and the violet leaf shows up making it smoother and a little green. Good for moss lovers, myrrh lovers, and any druids on your holiday list.

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Bought the decant with hubby in mind, but decided to try it on also. On him it was ok, but definitely not what he wanted.

On me-

In Bottle: Deep pine scent with a hint of myrrh

Wet: PINE SOL alert! I get nothing but that for at least 10 minutes

Drydown: As someone else mentioned I get a powdery myrrh with a hint of floral. As it continues I get more sweetness in it.

Overall: Like it. Not bottle worthy but I can see me being in the mood for using my decant in December and January.


ETA: 1 year later and I regret not getting that bottle. WAAAAAA!

Edited by Anaire

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This smells dangerous. I'm getting the pine pitch and something dark along with it, kind of resiny and masculine, though the pitch is definitely the forerunner here. This would smell great on a dangerous type of guy, but it is just too masculine for me to wear.

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Smells fantastically pine pitch and wonderful in the decant, on my skin after a while it just goes straight to oakmoss and stays there being loud and oakmossy.

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Moss, myrrh and violet.


Wow, this is very pretty. I'm usually not into violet blends at all, but this one is resin + violet. I think the moss element keeps it from going too powdery on me. I get a light tinge of pine, which actually makes this blend very Yule-friendly.


Huh. Will BPAL wonders NEVER CEASE. This is a 'dark' violet blend, and I think the myrrh makes this quite sexy and grown up.

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definitely pine pitch...at first

my initial thought is that it smells like vicks vapor rub, but not quite as in your face


give it a few minutes and the pitch settles and fades (no more vicks) letting the greener mosses and the dark violet leaf note come out.


the violet leaf quickly takes over as the dominant note with maybe some oakmoss rounding it out.

Edited by Roogna

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Moss, myrrh, and dust in the bottle. Goes on as moss and violet — there's something definitely sweet there, but it has a hard edge. This becomes oakmoss, but then quickly fades back to the slightly sweet incense. Probably fine if you like incense scents, but definitely not for me.

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