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Autumn Fancies

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Dry grasses bathed in amber light, muted by gentle shadows.


In the vial and wet on the skin, this is a citrusy (amber, I'm guessing) soft scent with a hint of grass. Very nice.

As it dries, it becomes more pure amber, but retains some of the citrusy-ness from the wet stages. It doesn't have a ton of throw, but stays close to the skin like a soft, smoky cloud of resiny goodness.

This has been a surprise hit for me. I was a bit worried about the grass, as it doesn't always go very well with my skin chemistry, but in this one I have no such problems. I like it very much and am a little sad that I didn't get a bottle back when it was live!

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My imp is empty. D: I don't know what happened but... this is sad. :( Let's try it with the remaining fumes then.


In the bottle: Amber with soft dry grass.

On my skin: More of the same at the beginning. It is pleasant and nostalgic.

Drydown: Same as above. I think the little fume that was left in the bottle was just the dried down form of the scent so I didn't get to experience any of the other stages. Damn, it was so pleasant too. :(

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autumn fancies is pretty similar to an old favorite of mine, hay moon, with the dry grass and amber combo. autumn fancies adds black musk to the mix, which kind of overpowers everything, but not in a bad way because i really like black musk! i agree with previous reviewers that there is a touch of citrus to this blend, which adds to the golden feel. it is nice but may be too similar to other scents in my collection (hay moon especially).

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This scent brings a overwhelming sense of comfort to me and I could not be happier with it.

From the moment I smelled it just from the bottle I almost started crying because the emotions were that intense.


It conjures up memories of my great granny's farm. Most specifically the hay she had laying outside the barn door and by the pond. This is the scent of that hay and the little bit of rugged musk that is barely in the background when I inhale deep enough. I do get the lemon in it but I barely even notice it because the hay and burnt grassy note is too dominant and I love that part of it. When I wear it the hay just becomes stronger and deeper and it really does make me think of Autumn but more so it makes me think of the woman that I loved and still love with all of my heart and miss terribly. This scent makes me feel like she is right beside me through life and guiding me.

Edited by Haltija

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Goes a bit lemon Pledge on me but that fades and then I'm getting some grass in there, too. This smells like the first push of autumn, when the days are still warm but you have to bundle up at night, and as the sun goes down, everything feels very close and real.


Where I'd wear this: an Indian summer at night

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