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Watch out For Admin F*ck Ups

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Ok my apologies to anyone who was surfing the boards in the last half hour! I was trying to add an extra stats feature on the boards for admin purposes but the hack result my global config. file! LOL that probably doesn't mean anything to someone who's never looked at big php scripts, but I assure you it's bad. Or at least fucking annoying. Anyway I think everything's fixed back to the way it was, but if you run into an unusual error, do PM me.


Oh and if you ever arrive to the forums only to be greeted by a cryptic error message, rest assured that I'm sitting somewhere typing away furiously, screaming expletives at my screen, and rushing to fix it. Just reload (because it might already be fixed) and if it's still broken, think happy, soothing thoughts for me and wait 15 minutes.


And no I haven't learned my lesson here. It still might happen again. :P

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I was blaming computer gremlins. :P Glad we're back!


Hey, while I'm thinking about it - I have my profile set to e-mail me when I get a PM, and it hasn't been. Any idea how I or you or someone can make it work right?

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It stopped doing that for me too out of the blue but I forgot to look into it. I will now while you've got me thinking about it.


Edit: Shollin check your email for me. I changed the email utility from PHP_email and SMTP so it might work better. Worked for me a moment ago, but I won't say it's fixed until it works for someone else!

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