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Multimedia: construction paper, shaving cream, glue, and food coloring, 2013
Neptune is a misty planet and you can't see there for fog. Mom says fungus people live there. I haven't seen them. They're probably in the fog.
Misty blue musk and morning glory petals with night-blooming jasmine, iris root, chamomile, white sandalwood, tuberose, and white moss.


I hate that this is the first review for Yaksh, because all I can say is: Damn you white sandalwood, you eat everything. :cry2:

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Yaksh has very little throw. I would best classify it as a soft, slightly cold, grayish blue misty scent that stays close to the skin. The dominant notes are dry (must be the iris root, chamomile, moss, sandalwood), with a little bit of quiet petals (tuberose and morning glory). The jasmine is not overpowering, but over time on the skin you can tell that it is there. On my skin jasmine does a quiet amp, so this dries down to a very faint floral.


I loved the color and several of the predominant notes, but I don't think that I would need more than my decant.

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Origin: decant circle by Absinthetics


Initial Thoughts: Blue musk is a musk I can usually wear without the amp of doom. I love night-blooming jasmine and morning glory. White sandalwood ought to behave. A lot of these notes make me think of Kindly Moon for some reason, a scent that I enjoy wearing with its blue overtones.


In the Vial: Hm. Something floral, either the tuberose or the morning glory or maybe the herbs, is smelling sour or at least leaf-stem green.


Wet: More floral notes, all with that high greeny tang to them. The musk and sandalwood are behaving inasmuch as they aren't amping and mowing down all the other notes in their path.


Drydown: The greeniness goes away, leaving a scent that seems to be all about gentleness: gentle florals, gentle musk, gentle sandalwood. But the musk and sandalwood are finally edging out the other scents.


Verdict: I'll play with the decant a bit more, but probably not something I'd get a bottle of.

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I love this in the decant, it's a soft and comfy floral musk. A definite blue feel to it. Once it's on my skin it undergoes a horrible transformation however-- SOMETHING goes super high pitched and me and my two cats are sneezing like crazy. I don't know which note is the culprit, because none of these notes have given be trouble before.. although I don't have experience with morning glory. Anyway, I wish it would stay as it is upon application because it's lovely, but my skin just went nuts

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On my skin wet: A sweet blue floral, foggy and cozy. I like the foggy scents. ^_^

On my skin dry: Moss is creeping up, it tends to amp on my skin I hope it behaves. It does behave thankfully, it's now a slightly fruity sweet bluish floral. Very evocative.

I get a lot of throw out of Yaksh the sweetness of it was unexpected but it does balance out the moss. The art already appealed to me, that big blue marshmallowy planet looking almost edible. So far I like the scent too I'll do an all day test of Yaksh.

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Blue musk, hints of tuberose and moss. It smells blue, comfy, and very light.


Low throw, low wear length. My nose really has to hunt for this scent on my skin, even on wet.

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Wet, light floral with a bit of 'bite' from the sandalwood. It's a bit perfumey at this stage. Dry, it's more ethereal, from the blue musk, I think. Soft floral, with soft blue musk. Fresh and airy, but does not last for very long on me.

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The mix of jasmine, iris, chamomile, tuberose, and moss is sharply perfumey and slightly sour smelling on my skin. Sharp floral with sour jasmine and moss undertones. I usually enjoy the mellow blue musk note, but it's completely overpowered by the florals in this blend.

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In the decant: Tuberose, my dreaded foe, is totally 100% present, alas and alack the day! Other notes? Not to sensed. :(


Wet: The jasmine and maybe the blue musk have appeared.


The dry-down: I wanted to try this for the blue musk, as well as the moss and sandalwood. The jasmine is a liked version. There might be a touch of sharpness from the iris root, only to be expected, but it's the evil tuberose that has ruined what could have been a lovely scent with a blue feeling. :(

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In the bottle - A sweet, surprisingly pink floral


Wet on me - A milky, powdery floral with a slightly sharp edge, this reminds me a lot of the smell of a Lush shop


Dry on me - A clean soap scent


Overall - Not really me

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Mostly jasmine, and other florals I can't pinpoint. A little breath of dry sandalwood. No moss. Very gentle and delicate, like a soft mist. Pass, not my style.

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This is very soft on me, no throw, hard to detect. I get gentle musk and flowers. The jasmine doesn't take over like it usually does. It's really pretty, but so faint on me that I can't ever see wearing it.

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