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BPAL Madness!


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A quiet honey musk with gentle orris, rice milk, and white gardenia.


I usually use bpal oils dry...


The first time I tried Self Portarit I found it a bit overhelming..it wasn't the right moment .....I took it apart and I tried some days after...


In the right moment, Self Portrait is a very soft white,dense creamy and honeyed floral parfume oil...


Very very pleasant, perfect for day wear, very comfortable, sexy and clean....in the hours it becames a perfect skin scent,


I hightly recommend a try!

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Wet: OMG gorgeous honey musk mixed with rice milk - heaven! Tiny hints of orris, but not overwhelming like it sometimes is on me. The gardenia is also behaving itself so far. This is a lovely sweet creamy skin scent. Gorgeous!



Dry: I adore this. I looked for it for a while because I knew I would, and I was not wrong! I expected to love it due to my newfound love of rice milk, but it was actually mostly the honey musk that made me swoon here. The rice milk mixes with it so beautifully. This is a perfect, glorious skin scent, and I am so glad to have it.

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Oh my, this is gorgeous. Orris doesn't usually do anything for me, but I want all the honey musk and all the rice milk, and gardenia is a floral that tends to be creamy and just lovely on me. Yes, this is quiet but not muted, if that makes any sense. It has a fully formed personality. Honey musk is inobtrusive but also damned sexy, so this would transition beautifully from an office situation to an intimate tete-a-tete with the object of one's desire.

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