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Crow Moon

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This is the final Full Moon of winter. The call of the crow signals the end of the frost, and their scent, of vervain, sandalwood-infused patchouli, black violet, white musk, and Chinese cedar, is brushed by the last cold wind of winter on their wings, and the scent of evergreen boughs touched by the season's final flowers and the first blossoms of spring: wintersweet, green-barked dogwood, iris, eastern redbud, primrose, snowdrop, and lenten rose hellebore bouquet.

Simply Stunning!
I don't know what to make of this one. I can't actually discern the notes. I can see how it bears resemblance to violet but it is not the violet I am familiar with in morgause or nocturne.
The whole thing paints the picture of a forest, evergreen and just burgeoning from a winter's chill. It is not a "cold" scent to me but rather a "dark" one. There is something slightly wet about this but for me this scent pushes past aquatic or floral or woodsy labels to just exist as itself.
It is completely unique and worth a try even to those who can't stand some of the individual notes. For me, violet, musk, patchouli and cedar can all be death notes but in here they're gorgeous. There's something familiar about this one, this is the scent of a high priestess of a forgotten religion that I've met in my dreams.

Dark, violet, green, mysterious. Win, win, win. I'm glad I ordered this unsniffed! Keeping the 5 ml.
and the man is ok with it too :)

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This one is a little odd - it's definitely a half winter/half spring spring scent.

it's very well blended, and not one note sticks out in particular.

I do get trace whiffs of patchouli though - but it's an earthy & gentle patchouli, not a loud & dirty one.


As i'm wearing this, I really like the fact that it's a half & half sort of scent.

it's unusual but I like it for that reason.

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Crow Moon 2013 smells like soap, pine, sharp spring flowers and snow. A perfumey and soapy mix that's reminiscent of air freshener... I don't have much to say about this one. I love the artwork, but this scent just gives me a headache and smells really cheap and artificial.

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A fascinating scent - wrist to nose again and again! I don't think it's so much morphing, as - that kind of twisty-turny things where the mind itself picks up different notes and combinations. Just very slightly different combinations - the blend hangs tightly together.


I think I'd class this as a pure winter scent. Winter outdoos - no Christmas thing about it. There are very slight flowers but they're the kind of flowers I associate with winter rather than spring. The scent on the breeze from tiny inconspicuous flowers that wafts towards you on a rare sunny day in late January. A winter gardener's private treat.


OK, in terms of notes, I get most of all cedar, sandalwood/patchouli (I half suspected the Lab was winding me up about that but no it is true), a little white musk (I usually hate it but it works for me here), wintersweet, and very understated flowers that I don't recognise.


Strongly recommended if you like a subtle scent, winter without being OTT "snow note". Maybe for people who like real flowers but hate "floral" perfumes too.


(I love typing when I'm wearing an oil like this!)


PS - bark, yes, it smells a little of bark. I'd agree that it's reminiscent of a forest at the end of winter, but no dry-leaves smell to it.


Right at the end of the smell - I don't mean over hours but as you breathe in, there's quite a sting in the tail of it. I can't put a name to it but it's far from soft; that could put off people who prefer things to be smoothe and gentle. So - subtle and complex but not mild.

Edited by Quillifer

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I really like Crow Moon as a wintery scent that isn't as strongly "snow note + pine" as some of the Yules I tried this season (e.g. Talvikuu and Frau Holle). There are a lot of notes listed and I'm not going to attempt to distinguish them all, but here are my general impressions.


On skin:

This dries down quickly to a soft woody scent (perhaps the cedar and sandalwood/patchouli) and then disappears almost completely in a few hours. The throw is pretty light throughout.


In scent locket:

Much better throw and longevity. I can't make out the individual floral notes but overall I would say they're quite "green" in their scent. A bit of pine adds to the greenness, but it doesn't come off as strong "Pine-Sol pine" to me. Not much morphing in the locket; it stays pretty true to the wet phase. Overall, it is a clean scent and I can see it being too soapy for some, but I think it's fresh and enjoyable.

Edited by heygraycatbird

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This is definitely an odd blend. I get the main base of patchouli and cedar, with hints of iris and soft white florals. It's a mix of a patchouli/soft flowers blend.


Pretty, light, odd.

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Herbal, slightly chilly and spicy floral. Gentle, reminds me of a sleep blend somehow, I could swear there was lavender here, but maybe it's something else. I quite like this, it reminds me of early spring, which it is where I am, fresh and clean and gentle. I'll certainly use my decant, though I don't think I need more.

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