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Black Phoenix Holiday Hiatus n'Stuff

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Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Trading Post will be dark from December 21 through December 25 while we all take a little breather. We will be back on the 26th, and our lunacy update will go live then. We had a Doomsday-themed update slated to go live on 12/21, but it’s staying on the shelf for the time being. It was a light-hearted take on the end of the world, but this is just… not the time. The Doomsday update will go live after the new year, assuming Dread Cthulhu doesn’t rise from the depths of R’lyeh on the 21st!


We’re in the process of working on new web sites for both BPAL and BPTP (so much love to Kaitlin @ Form & Function!), and will be finally extricating ourselves from CcNow (Hallelujah!). CcNow is moving their operations overseas or somesuch, and will effectively be shutting down their services as of January 1st, 2013. (Mixed blessing?) There is a very slight possibility that there may be a few days around the new year when you may have to utilize PayPal exclusively in order to place an order with BPAL or BPTP. We’ll keep you posted as the situation develops.


Happy holidays to all of you from all of us! May your Yule season be filled with love, light, peace, and shared joy.


- Beth

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