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Scents for dreaming

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This may sound utterly bizarre (it kind of does to me), but the two times I've worn BPAL oils to bed, I've had really vivid, really good dreams. I was hoping Oneiroi would have this effect if anything would, but it goes really horrible on my skin. Fortunately, some other oils seem to have done this instead. The first time was one of the first I got, Lyonesse, and the second time was last night with Snake Oil. I've been in an extra-good mood all day. :)

So, has anyone else noticed this? What scents make you dream?

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It's The Grandmother of Ghosts for me. Not only does it induce dreams, it also helps you to fall asleep. The thing I've noticed though is that the dreams I'm having when wearing that perfume are very cold, set in the evening or with a blue tint. It kind of reminds me of that scene in Deathly Hallows when the wedding get's terrorized by Death Eaters and Harry has to run. I hope those are the kind of dreams you're looking for haha.

Edited by Kuba

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The only bpal that has had a noticeable effect on my dreams was the first Singing Moon, and it wasn't a good one. I dont often have bad dreams, but both times I wore that blend to bed, I did. They were bad enough that I ended up selling my bottle, though I can't remember the specifics


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Sanctus and Temple of Dreams (not worn together!)


Sanctus is my number 1 favourite to wear to bed. I feel like I sleep in a beautiful golden cloud, and as I tend to wake at night for moments, every time I do I inhale, smile and go back to dreaming blissfully. I *always* have very good dreams when wearing (or even a day or two afterwards as it lingers on my pillow) that one.


And.. Temple of Dreams (surprise?) - I don't know, it's just a lovely blend that, again, gives me good dreams.

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Temple of dreams, and baku. I guess thats what they are supposed to do though. They both made me have horrible crazy realistic nightmares. I woke up sweating, and horrified, I never have bad dreams. So I don't wear them.

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Once when I wore Shoeul (sp? The Hebrew term for the underworld) I dreamed about my mother, who is passed. It was very intense.

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Once when I wore Shoeul (sp? The Hebrew term for the underworld) I dreamed about my mother, who is passed. It was very intense.


Almost all of my dreams are about loved ones or other people who have passed away. They always seem to be that someone is hiding them from me or constantly moving them and I am trying to find them or save them. And the case of my ex husband always nightmares of trying to get away from him or of him trying to confine me.

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I tried a couple of times to go to sleep with Nocnitsa in my burner and had these calming dreams, like being in a moist Eastern European forest, if that makes any sense :D

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I tried Baku and Somnus, both of which gave me some intensely detailed dreams. Nothing particularly good or bad, just more vivid than my usual fare.


Baku lent itself more towards 'searching' dreams; the two nights I've used it thus far, I've dreamed of looking for something. Not a nightmare, but a little stressful to be classified as 'good'.


Somnus came screaming out of left field and gave me an 'audition' dream. Not 'I'm auditioning and forgot my monologue' or 'I'm auditioning naked' or any of the common tropes, but simply a long, drawn out, true-to-life dream of auditioning for Comedy of Errors.

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If there is a scent of any kind in my room, I often dream, which is why I'm very excited for my atmo sprays that are coming soon.


I think the oddest dream I ever had was wearing Loviatar, which was a very abstract bonfire pagan ceremony.

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