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Singing Moon and the Return of Single Notes!

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Singing Moon is live at BPAL and BPTP!





The Banshee mournful wails

In the midst of the silent, lonely, lonely night,

Plaining, she sings the song of death.


The song of a host of dread spirits wailing their grief to the moonlit heavens: grey, silken ambergris and cold davana cascading over a landscape of bog rosemary, marsh cinquefoil, sea holly, grey willow, bog asphodel, sundew, lowland meadow grass, and frost-limned peat.


Art by Julie Dillon.




This month we are welcoming back a long-lost old friend...single note accords!




The availability of our single notes is limited: one or two will be offered each lunar cycle, full moon til full moon, for the next twelve months. Single notes are available on our limited edition page.





While this scent is fresh, crisp, refreshing, and redolent of spring mornings, it also possesses an ancient timbre: this is the fragrance of the apple orchards of ancient Herculaneum.



A celebratory scent, spicy and joyful. This is the nation flower of Spain. It symbolizes the suffering of Christ, the passion of lovers, and the laurels of victory.




Sadly, while we warmly embrace new friends, we must bid farewell to a few old favorites.


Effective immediately, the following general catalog scents have been discontinued:


All in the Golden Afternoon



Hymn to Proserpine

Moonshine & Mist


Also, when the next lunacy rises, the Salon will close its doors. The Salon scents will be available until July 30th, 2012.




Also, more stuff will be going live at our Etsy shop within the hour. If you would like to combine an Etsy order with a regular BPAL order, please add a note to your Etsy order, and email our customer service department at answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com

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