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BPAL Madness!
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Sorry for the Downtime Everyone!

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Thanks for waiting everyone. For the moment at least, the forum is back open. I don't have any plans to take it back down again any time soon, but please keep in mind that I haven't had a chance to evaluate the work our host's IT team did under normal traffic conditions. I'm not entirely sure how it's going to behave. Hopefully what was done will put an end to the irregular periods of drag we've been experiencing as well as the odd multiple posting, but until we put it through its paces I can only hope. If you experience any errors over the next few days please PM me (shriekingviolet) as soon as you can so I can have an idea when and how they popped up. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. I will be away from the computer this evening as I have a standing weekly playdate every Thursday with the world's cutest baby, but after that I will be around all weekend.



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