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Pink Moon is Live!

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Pink Moon is live at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Trading Post!





The name of this moon refers to the color of wild ground phlox, a primary component of this Lunacy Blend, which is one of the most widespread floral signposts of springtime in North America. This Lunar blend is soft with phlox, tulip, daffodil, pink columbine, delphinium, pink carnation, peony, and muscari, dusted with pink sugar and honey, bourbon vanilla, a hint of white chocolate, and a touch of the first strawberries of the season.


Artwork by Julie Dillon!






As a preview for the upcoming addition to Somnium, we present the compass points of Sidney Sime's map of the Land of Dreams.





I stand amid the roar

Of a surf-tormented shore,

And I hold within my hand

Grains of the golden sand—

How few! yet how they creep

Through my fingers to the deep,

While I weep—while I weep!

O God! can I not grasp

Them with a tighter clasp?

O God! can I not save

One from the pitiless wave?

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?



Pink grapefruit, peppermint, orange blossom, bitter orange, juniper berry, cumin, tuberose, and lemon balm.



Lavender with tobacco, zdravetz, Haitian vetiver, and blue lotus absolute.



White rose, lavender, kush accord, oudh, opium poppy, white musk, and shamama attar.



Black currant, black orchid, lavender, black dammar, myrrh, oakmoss, champaca flower, and mandrake root.

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