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The Last Evening of the Year

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Snow settling on cold skin, tea rose petals, and dusty, threadbare linen.

In the bottle: Cold and just a touch minty, with a hint of rose.

Wet: The delicate tea rose, wrapped in linen and placed in the snow.

The dry-down: After a time, the dusty linen note dominates, and the rose and the snow start to fade away. There's some skin musk here, to anchor scent. I had high hopes of this blend and ordered it a couple of months ago, but am a bit disappointed. I may try adding a touch of The Rose (my fav tea rose scent) and see if that keeps the rose note going longer.

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I received a tester of this as a frimp in a sale package. I like rose, and most "dust" notes, but the more ozoney snow notes don't always work on me and neither does linen.


In the decant: Oh, this is the piney snow note. I like this one. ^_^


On my skin, it's a "soft" pine, if that makes sense. Not sharp or harsh like some pine notes can be. It reminds me a little of Old Moon 2007, which was sweetened by berries. I actually like this much more than I was expecting. I'm not really getting any rose that I can distinguish, although there is something sweet here. A little bit of a soapy note starts to creep in as it dries. It reminds me a little of a men's body wash. I still like it, though! I might track down at least a decant's worth of this.


Edit: Unfortunately, when it's completely dry this is *very* soapy. It's not too bad - actually kind of comforting in a way - but yes, definitely laundry soap.

Edited by sunlitgarden

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In the decant, I can't really pick out any notes in this one; it just sort of smells to me like undifferentiated perfume of some sort.


Wet on my skin, it's mostly strong skin musk, which is a scent I Do Not Like.


The skin musk smells a little more faint to me as it dries down, and I get a little more of something, but again, I can't quite pick out a note; as others have said, it smells a bit like laundry soap. I get no tea rose whatsoever, although I think it could use a bit of floral to make the soapy scent less um soapy.


On the whole, not terrible or anything, but definitely not something I would ever wear. If you like laundry scents, I might try it, but otherwise, I would give it a miss, especially if it's the tea rose you wanted.

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Purchased a decant from OrangeBlossom05!


I have been dying to try this scent since December and I am so excited I can test it! I literally just got it in the mail, haha.


In the imp: It's very chilly! I haven't experienced the snow note before but I believe that's what I'm picking out. It smells lovely. There's also a hint of pine and I think I can detect the tea rose, though it's very faint. I think there's cinnamon, too.


Wet: Linens! Clean, fresh linen, how I adore you! There's a quality to the linen that makes it creamy- perhaps the florals? The linen notes I got in Windward Passage reminded me of a bathroom by the sea but this linen definitely has a creamy, wintery quality and doesn't bring up the image of a bathroom. More like linens piled up next to an open window in a living room in December.


Dry-down: Oh yum, the snow note is coming back. It's so fresh and chilly, I can't stop huffing my wrist.


Dry: It gets a bit musky. Must be that skin note. It's quite beautiful and it deepens the scent nicely, and definitely brings to mind a snowy evening. The rose is also noticable now, but it's nice and light. Linen is still the key player.


Further on: It sweetens and the snow and rose and musk are making themselves more prominant. I think I caught a whiff of dust, too. Linen is still queen, though! It's absolutely gorgeous right now. :heart:


I am so pleased with this! If scents were people, I would marry this one, not even kidding. I'm so happy right now, this scent is everything I hoped for. :wub2: I need a bottle of this!

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I normally can't wear snow notes (or anything 'cold', really), but this is really lovely on me. I think the linen does something to temper the snow, and the soft brush of rose petals is subtle and just gorgeous.


This is a very clean, very pretty scent and I can see myself wearing it when I'm in the right mood - probably on a miserably hot, humid day.

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In the bottle: This is very, very clean. I smell washing powder and a faint rose soap. It immediately makes me think of a wash-room or someone with an OCD of taking a shower every 15 minutes. I imagine this is what they would smell like.

On me: The rose is making itself very present, but it's so soapy and nothing like the gorgeous sweet rose in Love or even the odd lemon-roses I almost always smell otherwise.And then the rose washes away too and I'm left with a pure white soap. When I got this I was expecting chilly and ice-bitten fresh roses, but instead I smell like I just took a very soapy bath. And hey, there's nothing wrong with smelling freshly clean, but it's just not my thing.

Suddenly the rose blooms back up, bright pink and surrounded by crisp, cool air, now we're getting somewhere! Five minutes later we're back to soap and this goes on back and forth until, 4 hours after my first application, it smells like newly washed, warm towels. I immediately get reminded my childhood's evenings when showers BEFORE bed were the absolute best, getting a warm towel to dry off, a warm pajamas and then being tucked in to my bed.

While the memories are good and I got to see a little bit of what I wanted this to smell like, it's nice but simply not for me.

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