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Golden Champa

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I recently got a sample of Golden Champa Absolute from Nature's Gift (as one of my... ooo this is fancy and out of my budget, I'd like to experience it once in my life) and normally thats the end of story. But no... not this... this was that fantastic jasmine/ honeysuckle smell of my dreams.


A day of googling later, and I can't find any affordable bits of it online. So am resorting to what would normally have been my first instinct... find a BPAL that smells like this.


Do you guys have any suggestions for a light, almost tea like, floral that is high pitched but deep at the same time? That floral component of nag champa without the heavy hippee parts?

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Tativa....it has been a few years but I tried the golden champa. I think I had a sample of the 10% dilution, and I remember it really did smell "golden" and struck me as autumnal. I thought it had a touch of honey or apple-like qualities as well.


I know there must be a bpal that is comparable but I'm not big on the floral blends, and I'm sure someone else would have better suggestions. Right off the top of my head, I want to say Ulalume might be similar, but that doesn't seem quite right. Hmmm.....I'll think about it some more and I'll be watching the topic, too. Good luck!

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Tativa, is it possible golden champa could be the same thing as champaca? There are many BPAL blends that list champaca as an ingredient...you could always do a search in the reviews section and it will pull up blends that have champaca.

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Khajuraho (honey, date palm, tuberose, davana blossom, amber, white sandalwood, vanilla bean, Damask rose, and champaca flower) is a limited edition, and it might depend on skin chemistry, but the main thing I smell is champaca flower (parrot_suspect is right, champaca blossom and champa are the same). It smells like a sweeter, little more incensy version of Patou's "Joy" perfume on my skin (where the main ingredient is also champaca flower). That might be a close resemblance.

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Ooo thats good to know! Thank you everyone! <3


I need to try and get my hands on some khajuraho now. Thought about it a few times, but if thats what it smells like...


Off to search the reviews

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Have you tried Yellow Jessamine Honey? It's frankly terrible on me, but I hate jasmine. Pretty much straight up jasmine + honey and GC so you can get imps.

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