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First of the Three Spirits v5

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Straight on it is very floral. Tagetes I am guessing. Very Flor de Muerto to me, only there is an underlying grayness. Instead of fresh and shining as in Flor, this is very dusky. Still very fresh and clean smelling but definitely floral.

Edited by saralaughs

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Wet, I get strong florals, but they start to mellow out almost immediately. Once dry, I start to get a slightly fizzy, lemony scent almost like very soft champagne or it could be metals which almost always end up smelling like fizzy citrus on me. The fizzy citrus is very pleasant and I get a slightest bit of vanilla orchid scent in here as well. The florals in here have softened a lot and now it's equal amounts floral and that soft citrusy fizzy scent. This is a very fresh and lovely floral blend for the warmer months.

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I get whiffs of pine, white flowers, lemon blossoms and vanilla orchids. To me, this smells like a less fruity version of the released Lola. It's got definitely a heady orchid vibe to it.


Lovely, but not at all like the released version.

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I can't believe there are only three reviews for this scents! icon_eek.gif


Alright, here we go (haven't done any reviews in a while).

This is a very floral scent alright! White and maybe some yellow flowers, rather sweet than fresh or clean. This is what I would describe as "girly perfume."

The more the perfume dries down, the more I get a sugared lemon/orange vibe wafting off my wrist.

This is like a commercial perfume or even a facial cream or shampoo scent - but in a good way! Remember those beauty products that don't have a very distinct scent (so no coconut or sandalwood) but that just smell white, girly, pretty and make you feel all comfy and well-cared for? Yes, that is such a scent. And after a while - I agree - there is definitely a strong mix of orchid (vanilla orchid?), lemon zest and maybe even vanilla musk.

I believe this would layer really well with Tiki Princess or another coconutty scent to add some more depth/texture/twist.

I don't get any pine at all, but there could be some fruit.. just cannot put my finger on it.

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In bottle: yes, I specifically tested this with the released version ;) this is a lot more present than the released version, a different sort of geranium--sharper, less sweet, less creamy. This is a more traditional floral scent.


Wet on skin: okay, I take that back--on, this feels more like jasmine than geranium. Very floral, a bit cloying, and creamy enough. Thankfully it does soften considerably on my skin, making it a little more approachable. This has an almost fruity presence to it that is almost the opposite of the released version (which is more of an amber/vanilla/musk scent to me). If there is any amber or vanilla here, it's very subdued.


Dry: well, during the wet phase, there might be a hint of kinship between this and the released version; but dry, this really is a very different blend, with none of the creamy, almost fuzzy amber/vanilla/musk, but more of a floral with a dash of something that smells almost citrusy. Those florals are rather yellow-feeling (probably why I'm thinking citrus), a hint on the juicy/fruity side.


Verdict: nope, this is even more of a miss than the released version! I'm sure others will enjoy it, but this one isn't for me.

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