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Leadership Changes

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It's with much regret that I'm posting to announce some very important changes in leadership this week. After seven long, very productive years, Kate (quantum spice) will no longer be a part of our management team. As an extremely talented lady who has given the forum so much, she will certainly be missed. We hope she remains in touch and lets us know about her future projects so that everyone will have the opportunity to see what exciting places she goes next!


As of this week, I'm officially back from my management hiatus. I've missed you all while I was dealing with family health issues and am eager to reconnect with familiar faces as well as with those of you who have joined us in the last year. Meg (Morrig) will continue as an additional admin, so forum questions and concerns can continue to be directed to her as well as to me.


Now, given how much we have relied on Kate in the past to manage our forum on a technical level, it'd be unrealistic to assume that things will continue to run exactly as they have without her. We're likely going to have to reassess different aspects of the forum, just to ensure that the forum is running in a way that's manageable for our team. We will keep you guys informed with whatever may come, though I will say that we don't expect any major changes to come in the regular discussion aspects of our forum.


We appreciate your patience during this period of transition. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a line!



Just as a refresher, here is a line up of our current active line up of moderators should you have any questions that pertain to more specific topics than the forum at large!


alicia_stardust (BPAL Chatter, Cut & Paste)

Andra (BPAL Chatter, Meet 'n'Sniffs, EatDrink&BeMerry, Roam If You Want To)

Belladonnastrap (Fantasy Island, Retail Therapy)

emzebel (Politics, Book Club)

heartbeast (Believe It Or Not, EatDrink&BeMerry)

ivyandpeony (Beyond Perfume, Recomendations, Roam If You Want To)

jenpo (BPAL Chatter, Randomness)

Jessica (Entertainment, Fantasy Island, Celebration Galore)

LiberAmoris (Retail Therapy)

maewitch (Swaps)

parrot_suspect (Get Personal, Book Club)

Sarah (Retail Therapy)

Shollin (Reviews)

Silvertree (Swaps)

wickedgoddess (TAL Chatter)


I better not have forgotten anyone......

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