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BPAL Madness!

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Peru balsam, vanilla bean, Rainier cherry, bitter almond, golden honey, rose water, lemon peel, sugar cane, and benzoin.

In the decant: Lots of almond and vanilla. It smells like my favourite Dutch almond cookies with just a hint of cherry underneath. I also *almost* get a hint of sweet musk.

Wet: Sweet and foody. The lemon gives it enough of a lift that I'm not as scared of that as I normally would be.

Dry: The foody factor is gone! This is beautiful. It sits close to my skin, and every element of it melds together beautifully. I might just need some more of this.

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Like Leopard403, I find Kypris smells like those cherry-flavoured gummy hearts. Maybe a tiny bit of honey and vanilla peak out, but throughout all of its stages, it screams cherry gummy hearts on me. I'm surprised I don't get almond nor rose from this since my nose can easily detect those two notes. I only allowed myself to buy one Luper and I'm happy with my choice. Cherry fans ought to try this!

Edited by Incendiare

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I was totally excited to try this. I'm a cherry-almond fiend- it's a comforting smell to me, as a kid when my mom was baking I'd always huff the almond extract. :) And Kypris indeed has a great soft dose of that almond extract/maraschino cherry type smell. After a few minutes that a slightly tarter, juicier, fruitier cherry sort of smell pops out. Lemon adds a light fresh brightness without being tart- think a little splash of fresh lemonade, NOT dish soap! The rosewater adds just a blush of pink color, but it's very delicate, a suggestion of petals rather than a full on floral bonanza. The honey in the base is translucent, not powdery or funky the way a lot of BPAL honeys can be, and the vanilla base is creamy but not foody. All in all it's a very pretty cherry-vanilla sort of scent, but unfortunately within an hour or two my skin just eats all the good stuff right up and turns it into nothing more than a sugared vanilla skin scent.

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I have to admit that I would never have tried this blend on my own, given the ingredients list. Vanilla, honey, sugar, cherry, AND benzoin? That sounds like the olfactory equivalent of deep fried butterscotch ice cream coated in triple chocolate fudge and sprinkled with candy bits for good measure. And to be fair, Kypris *is* extremely pink and sweet. It reminds me of cotton candy. I'm not generally a fan of foody scents, but this one makes me a bit nostalgic, since I was obsessed with finding the holy grail of cotton candy scents as a preteen. This is pretty much it - sweet but too airy to ever get cloying or nausea-inducing, with a pleasant bite from the lemon and an almost alcoholic quality. I would have gotten a lot more enjoyment out of this one ten years ago, but I do like it and may end up tracking down a fuller decant (since I only have a tester right now).


Three out of five stars.

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In the bottle: Cherry, almond, honey, and lemon.


Immediately after application: Balsam over cherries and vanilla. The honey is slightly powdery on me but that often happens with the lab's honey notes. They generally warm up nicely though.


Warming up: Gag-worthy powdery nastiness. /sigh


Overall: I'm pretty sure gag-worthy covers it. The honey and lemon just did bad, bad things on me.

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In the bottle - Almonds with a slightly medicinal backdrop


Wet on me - A smoother, creamy almond comes through overlaying a cool green note that I can't place


Dry on me - A sweet creamy vanilla with a woody backdrop and a sprinkling of something salty


Overall - A pretty, grown up scent with sweetness and sophistication

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Sweet cherry, sort of like Danish filling, though of course it is more complex than that. Almond, rose, and lemon, too. One of the better cherry scents, in my opinion... in that I can stand it. Reeeeaaaalllly not a cherry fan (it always goes to plasticky candy for me), but if you are, I'd check this one out.

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In Bottle: Sweet cherry and vanilla. Something almost chocolatey about it.


Wet: Honey, heavy and sweet. The cherry isn't actually very strong here, I'm getting honeyed vanilla and a bit of almond, and something a bit plastic.


Dry: A surprisingly faint scent, very sweet and foody. Mostly I get the vanilla, but it's the lab's slightly plastic one.

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I adore Ranier Cherries, so I was totally drawn to this.


Wet: Honey and cherries, with a hint of lemon sugar, and totally better than I would have expected. I really love it right now, and hope it doesn't morph as it dries. The only other cherry scent that has ever worked this well on me is Youth's Disengagement. In other scents it either goes plastic, cough syrup, or you just can't detect it.



Dry: This is soooo yummy. It's got good throw, so I keep catching whiffs of this amazing honey/sugar and cherry scent with hints of lemon. I love it! I have discovered I adore the combination of honey and sugar (you would think that would be overkill, but no!) and the addition of hints of fruit is just stellar. I cant pick out any of the other notes really, except maybe hints of either the vanilla bean or benzoin. It's just lovely, and I need a bottle pretty much immediately.

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I wanted to try Kypris because of the Rainier cherry note, which I've not seen anywhere else. I'm not sure how common they are outside the Pacific NW, but Rainier cherries are a local breed, sort of pale yellow tipped with red and with a more delicate flavor than the dark red types. I have no desire to furnish pregnancy of any sort.


So, Kypris is gorgeous on me. The opening is vanilla almond cherry lemon, so lovely. I have a cherry almond bath scrub from a circular swap made by another forumite, and I love it, and this is very similar. There's a delicate hint of rosewater; the honey is also delicate, and as it dries down it all melds together into pure delight. The benzoin and rose keep it from being overly foodie, and it's not overly sweet either. Kypris is a joyful scent, perfect for the May sunshine we're enjoying in Seattle these days.

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