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BPAL Madness!

Wolf Moon 2011

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In Imp: Pine, cedar, and wood, edged with a specific, almost sweet softness.

Wet: Some of the other woodsy smells are fading; pine is left, but much sweeter. I think the maple leaves may be lending a little sweetness as well. The amber and juniper are there, too, dark and yummy. This is a pretty complex blend to me.

Drydown: It's morphing between threatening to get powdery, and becoming almost sort of sour. The woods are fading and leaving just the sweet smell and a hint of pine-sol. I think it's the orris that's powdering a little. :( Finally, though, after about 5-10 minutes it's rounding out; neither Pine-Sol-y or powdery. It's a round, robust, warm-fur juniper and woods scent. The woods in it don't jump at me; it's like I know this perfume is "in" the forest, but the individual notes aren't overpowering. Just chillin' here in a clearing, is all...

Verdict: I like this a lot once it settles down. It's sharp, wintery, woodsy, and warm. Mmm. I'll hold onto my imp and see if I need a bottle someday. 3.5, probably at least a 4 once I get some "street cred" on it. :)

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ITB: It reminds me a little of spice drops, but it has a warmth to it from the amber and the musk.


Wet: Spruce, pine, juniper - all of the dark green scents I adore. I get impressions of cool winter air, musk, and a bit of amber, but it is gorgeous just the way it is - intensely green and slightly spooky.


Dry: It's more resinous once dried with the benzoin, ambrette seed, brown musk, which pairs beautifully with the much sedated green of the pine and juniper.

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