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I did a search and didn't turn up this specific request, so can anybody tell me some good GCs or LEs with moonflower? I tried the Phantom Wooer and it's just awesome. The creamy white scent there is gorgeous. I've also tried Nuit, (which has been discontinued anyway) but for some reason (probably sandalwood or the white musk) it turned bad after a while. Midnight (also DC'ed) was just a sharp floral mix and I couldn't really pick out the moonflower.


So, recs?

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Moonflower is a note that seems to work well on me - although I couldn't take an oath that I could identify it in a blend without fail. It's a clear and sweet floral, not as keyed-up or heady as jasmine, gardenia, or the other "white" florals. A lot of the Lab's scents that include "night blooming" stuff in the description seem to suit me & moonflower often gets included in those. I just discovered Halloween: Brooklyn in the past week or so and the sweet moonflower stands out really nicely against the crisp green woods.


Here are a few LE favorites:

Silver Phoenix, from last year's Anniversaries (Opalescent orris shimmering through a blend of mallow, moonflower, wild pear, iris, starwort, juniper, and mugwort)

The Witching Time of Night (Moonflower, night-blooming cereus, white hellebore, English ivy, monkshood, angel's trumpet, oleander, and eastern hemlock)

The Gibbous Moon (Moonflower, Madonna lily, orris, white ginger, cucumber, hyacinth, and Irish moss)

White Moon (the blossoms of loss and liberation, soothed by the calm, comforting scent of sandalwood : lilac, calla lily, wisteria, white sandalwood, moonflower, night musk, phlox, and violet)


From the GC, Titania has moonflower - I can't fully evaluate it for you because peach kills it for me, but I am sure someone else will!



Although these LEs don't specifically have moonflower, I have gotten the moonflower vibe from them & they might be worth trying:


Black Butterfly Moon (Lady of the Night orchid, benzoin, opopponax, currant, black chypre, white gardenia, ambergris, damp, wooded mosses, and black lily)

Ether (Translucent blooms, ethereal white resins, and davana)

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Evening Star is my favorite moonflower scent from the lab; it's very strong and heavy on the moonflower. It's an older LE, though, so might be a bit harder to find. I get a strong moonflower smell from Midnight on the Midway as well, though that one has also just been discontinued...

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Thanks! Moonflower smells very dewy to me and it tends not to get too sharp.


I'll have to try Gibbuous Moon, for certain. I have tried Evening Star and I love it, but I'm allergic to some component. Sob.


I didn't know Titania had moonflower. It's like a giant peach that likes sitting on things.

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I'm surprised that Titania is peachy to you guys! For me, it's a grapey floral. I'm not 100% sure what moonflower smells like but the floral I got from Titania was lovely and bright, and it made me think of a pretty yellow color, although Titania overall for me invokes a light purple/lilac kind of color in my mind.


It looks like Pannychis has moonflower in it, but I've never tried it. I do believe it's on my list of "things to try" though.


Night-blooming jasmine, moonflower, cardamom, sandalwood, black currant, ylang ylang, frankincense and lily.

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