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Pomegranate, Tamil Nadu sandalwood, lavender, tamarind, hazelnut, Atlas cedarwood, sugar date, bitter clove, and Arabian myrrh.

Sniffed: Pomegranate upon a deep woody base, edged with an intense tartness that may be the tamarind and the nuts/spices, and perhaps touched with a breath of lavender.

On skin: Pomegranate takes centre stage in this blend, but its tart, juicy sweetness is tempered and grounded by mellow dry woods. There's a touch of clear and deep myrrh, and non-woody notes that must be the hazelnut and date. Just like Pomegranates I and II, blend III is a pomegranate showcase, albeit more complex, drier, deeper, and a bit less juicy-sweet than the former two. A full-bodied blend that remains quite constant over time. Colour impression is a mellow orange-red-brown.

Verdict: When by itself or dominant, the pomegranate note is a bit too intense and tart-sweet for me. I like Pomegranate III more than the simpler I and II, but it still dominates the blend too much for my liking. Even so, I have enjoyed testing the variety of the Pomegranate Grove, and III is a worthy member of this series!

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I've had this decant since the Pom Patch came out, but could never quite wrap my mind around it enough to do a review. On me, it is mainly pomegranate, lavender, and a third note that I assume by process of elimination is either tamarind or sugar date. I periodically get a hint of woodiness. Clove and myrrh are absent.

Overall, I am fairly indifferent to this one. I don't love it, don't hate it, and probably don't need it.

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Imp: splash of juicy pomegranate and tamarind, followed up by something powdery and a touch bitter.


Skin: Soft lavender and wood, much drier fruits. It's cozy, kind of a "laid back" scent. Pleasant.

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I can't believe I didn't realize this was a 'weenie! I would have figured this for a Yule. I got it from a lovely swapper, and didn't get around to reviewing it until now.


In the bottle: pine and juniper? Christmas in a bottle.

wet: pine, which i'm guessing is actually cedarwood. Pomegranate is there, but it's not the dominant note. Perhaps the bitter clover and tamarind in the background.

Drydown: This is exciting! I've been looking for a replacement to B&BW Mulberry Spice. I couldn't wear it since it burned my skin, probably a skin reaction to the cinnamon oil they used. Anyway, this is smelling a lot like the base notes. I would need to add something sweet, like a cinnamon/berry to round it out. Or maybe just something cinnamon

Dry: Definitely recommend this as a Mulberry Spice alternative. It does sweeten up a bit, and still reminds me of Christmastime. I don't think I can pinpoint any one note, but they blend together very nicely.


Sadly, this was eaten by my skin, and after 2 hours, I couldn't smell anything.

Edited by Carrie

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