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Looking for the perfect Lunacy

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So...I'm kind of on the hunt for the perfect Lunacy that will work for me. There are SO many and thus far I've tried Milk Moon '07, Long Night Moon, Blood Moon, Bony Moon, Bitter Moon. While none of them have been bad on me per se, none have wowed me. I only keep what I love so all my lunacies have been rehomed/are in the process of being rehomed. But I *LOVE* the moon (I'm a pretty Cancer-y Cancer) so I won't give up!


Scents that I love are: Tezcatlipoca, Crowley, Now Winter's Nights Enlarge, Miller v. Cali, Boomslang...so, with this said, what would people recommend?

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The heavier and darker lunacies come to mind immediately. You could try hunting down some:


Raven Moon ebony musk with benzoin, myrrh, smoky vanilla, patchouli, nutmeg, and dried red chili.

This is the first one I thought of. It looks like we have similar chemistry and tastes and this is one of my favourite lunacies if not the favourite.


Hunter Moon 07 Dry leaves, autumn bonfires, blood red wine, feral, animalistic notes and the chill of approaching winter.

This one might be difficult to track down but it's another dark, feral sort of scent.


From the therianthropic lunacy companions you could try:


Lycaon blackened myrrh, crushed olive leaf, black musk, spikenard, frankincense, cypress wood, opoponax, white ginger, and patchouli.

This is like the perfect patchouli/musk with a feral bent.


Ivanushka Soft, velvety fur and warm musk, brushed by forest woods and dusted by dry leaves.

This is truly a furry scent. It's very cuddly.


Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming releases as well--who knows what we'll be seeing next week!

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The one that made me *kerthunk* was Falling Leaf Moon. Patchouli, wet leaves, rain -- it's bottled Portland Autumn for me. Alas, it's *so* autumny to me that it demands to be saved until October, so maybe this isn't the best recommendation right now!

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Hmm...those all do sound interesting, especially the Raven Moon and the Hunter. Falling Leaf Moon...heh, I just moved away from Portland but I know what you're referring to. Even if it doesn't fit the current season, it might still fit me :D


Thank you for the recommendations! I will be on the hunt!

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Hmm...those all do sound interesting, especially the Raven Moon and the Hunter. Falling Leaf Moon...heh, I just moved away from Portland but I know what you're referring to. Even if it doesn't fit the current season, it might still fit me :D


Thank you for the recommendations! I will be on the hunt!


Ooh, if you're from Portland, then this will probably make perfect sense: It is the smell of walking through Laurelhurst Park in the afternoon in late October/early November. The decaying leaves, the dirt, the lingering patchouli, all still nice and gooshy from the heavy, heavy mist that isn't *quite* rain but will definitely mean you will need to hang your jacket up to dry.

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Red Moon 07!!! Based on your favorite blends, you'd probably like Red Moon. I also love Falling leaf Moon. That one is a total winner this year. You might also enjoy Wolf Moon, Raven Moon, or even Harvest Moon (06 was the best IMO) Another nice moon is Buck Moon (but good luck on finding that bottle). I hope you find your moon!! My moon is Buck Moon (and I'm a red musk lover). :D

Edited by Purrsnikety

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Ooh! Definitely Raven Moon.. I don't have much luck with the Lunacy blends in general, but Raven Moon was an absolute winner and going by those other BPALs you mentioned I'd say it has a good chance of being the same for you!!


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So...I'm kind of on the hunt for the perfect Lunacy that will work for me. There are SO many and thus far I've tried Milk Moon '07, Long Night Moon, Blood Moon, Bony Moon, Bitter Moon. While none of them have been bad on me per se, none have wowed me. I only keep what I love so all my lunacies have been rehomed/are in the process of being rehomed. But I *LOVE* the moon (I'm a pretty Cancer-y Cancer) so I won't give up!


Scents that I love are: Tezcatlipoca, Crowley, Now Winter's Nights Enlarge, Miller v. Cali, Boomslang...so, with this said, what would people recommend?



Mead Moon (Golden mead, fermented with gruit, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, ginger root, sweet-briar, rosemary, and lemon) is my top favorite, so is Schwarzer Mond (opoponax, Tunisian black amber, night musk, antique patchouli, zdravetz, terebinth, myrrh, and Pimenta racemosa). I love the scents you listed above too, so your tastes might not be that different from mine, and I love these two Moons (most are too light and airy for my taste, but these two are heavy and spicy).

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